
The Grand Welcome for Fairy Tail

All of them looked at it. The. Macao's projection was shown. Natsu " Macao!! " Macao in the projection " Hello Everyone, I wish you are all safe when you hear it. " There was some tears in his eyes but he wiped it off. Macao " After you guys have went, I took over the position of Fairy Tails Fourth Guild Master. And since before Master Makarov returns there is one thing, I would like to do before he returns. "

All of them were curious. Macao " I, the fourth Guild Master of Fairy Tail. I hereby reinstate Laxus Dreyer as the member of Fairy Tail. " Makarov shouted " What Nerve!? '' Meanwhile the Thunder Legion was having happy tears in their eyes. Makarov scolded but did not refute the order. "

After some while Mavis's Spirit followed the Fairy Tail Group. When the Members came to the Air Ship. They were amazed, It's look is more majestic than Crystina of Blue Pegasus or Grimoire Heart's main ship. When all are admiring the ship, only Natsu, Gajeel and Laxus's face were not so good.

Warren seeing them '' Natsu, It is the Ship specifically built for you guys. There is a special Lacrama that prevents Motion Sickness. In addition to it there are many on Road and off Road Magica Vehicles which all imbued with the Special Lacrama. Every thing is designed by Nie Long. "

All of them are curious about Nie Long. For that Warren and the others became silent. Max " Master, After you have gone. Guild is not like before. We were spend more money to find you guys, our guild were in full of Debts. We have also sold the Guild Hall to the Magnolia Town, were Mayor promised us he would re sell it to us after we paid the money. We have been looking for 6 years without any results. When the Guild is at the bottom. Nie Long and the others joined the Guild. "

All the Members of Tenrou team felt uncomfortable, Makarov was so sad " My poor children, you have all suffered. " Max " Its all right master. If it were us trapped in Tenrou, you would have done the same to save us. " As they said they all got on the ship. And Wendy took off the Ship. Natsu really felt refreshed and not affected by Motion Sickness. Max " Then along with Nie Long four New members joined the Guild. "As he said that the images of Nie Long, Ying Yueru, Wanda, Gu Lan and Eri all appeared.

Makarov and the others looked at the image, but when he saw Eri smiling, he felt a rare pleasant feeling. Max " Macao decided to accept them as members of Fairy Tail when Eri showed the Genuine admiration for Natsu and Erza. " Natsu, Erza looked confused, they don't remember seeing Eri at all. Warren " We asked, why joint the worst Guild in Fiore!? " Makarov face twitched when he heard that.

Warren " For that he said, ' I strongly believe that the members of Fairy tail are still alive ' and he said he has a special fate with the Dragon Slayers of Fairy Tail. " Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy were surprised and again looked at Nie Long's picture. Max " Now that I think about it, Nie Long helped the Guild unconditionally, he also made many equipments and vehicles. He made special Vehicles for Laxus, Gajeel, Wendy and Natsu. He took special care for every magical equipment that he created with great care for these four. "

Warren " He would say his origins when you guys return and he also mentioned that he did not like to lie to us. " Makarov and the others were curious about Nie Long and the others. The Air Ship is going at full speed towards the town of Magnolia. Mavis was seeing the Air Ship and Sci Fi mixed with Magical Tech in the Air Ship. She was curious about its creater.

Most wonderful is the Artificial Intelligence Wendy. When she saw it, she was reminded of Zera her friend who was born by the Illusion. Mavis ' Is it possible to bring Zera Back to life? ' She wants to find the answer. Natsu was happy roaming inside the ship happily. Happy flying beside him. Meanwhile Mirajane, Makarov were learning about the Fairy mobile phones and all the latest development.

They also saw the information of Grand Magic Games. The Social Unrest among different churches, etc. Magnolia as the trade Center. They are only not allowed to current news of Magnolia by Wendy. Soon Warren and the others shouted " Master, we have reached Magnolia. " Natsu all were surprised. ( Bgm: Fairy Tail Main Theme )

Happy " Natsu, Lucy, Carla, Lilly, everyone see there. " as the Happy pointed out. The Entire Magnolia is filled with People. There were Fire Works continuously flying towards the Sky. There were huge words with Fairy Tail Symbol " Welcome Back Fairy Tail. " The people were Cheering. The ship is flying slowly in the sky, The people of Magnolia were cheering on both sides. Makarov and the others were having happy Tears in their Eyes.

Natsu with a wide Grin " It is good to be home. " At the time Erza saw a three cloaked figures on the top of building roof. Just when she focused on them, the party left. Inside the Cloak of the middle person, there is a blue haired man who has a happy smile. " We will see soon Erza. " There were many photographs.

The return of the Fairy Tail Guild is being live broadcasted in the News Platforms and Sorcerer Daily apps. There are many posts and tweets about the Grand Welcome of Fairy Tail. At right before the Guild Hall, there was all the members of Fairy Tail including Wanda, Ying Yueru, Gu Lan and Eri. Romeo, Asuka and Eri all welcomed them. There were Jura, Leon and the other members of Lamia Scale. The four Ichiya members and Wild Team of Quattro Serperes all were there.

Romeo with tears said " Everyone, welcome Home. " Natsu came with a wide grin " Look at you Romeo, all grown up. " Then all the people went inside the Guild Hall. Macao " Everyone, it is the time to Party. " Then all the members were enjoying the Party with liquor, food. All the members had no worries about other things.

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