

In the Conomi Islands

"What... Usopp was taken to Arlong park?" Zoro questioned a villager.

"Yes, just a while ago" the villager answered in a nervous tone.

"Damn it... I just missed him" Zoro remarked in frustration.

Zoro rushed out of the village as he ran through the forest towards Arlong park.


"Huh... what's that noise?" Zoro asked as he looked at where the noise came from and saw a flying boat heading towards him.

"L-Luffy!?" Zoro questioned in a panicked look as the boat was about collide at him.



10 minutes ago

"YAHOO!" Luffy shouted in excitement as the boat is being pulled by a sea cow.

"I SEE ARLONG PARK!" Luffy added as he reminded the others.


"Say... isn't this sea cow going to the wrong way?" Kaito questioned in a worried tone.

"HEY! GO LEFT!" Sanji commanded as he shouted at the sea cow.

"We are going to hit the cliff!" Yosaku shouted in panic.


"YAHOO... we're flying!" Luffy shouted in amazement as the boat flew in the air.

"THIS IS NOT FUNNY, MORON!" Sanji refuted as he shouted at Luffy with anger.

"HAHAHAHA..." Kaito laughed in excitement.

"MAYDAY... MAYDAY!" Yosaku yelled in a panicked tone.

Everyone started panicking as the boat slowly fell down towards the forest.

Thud~ Skreet~

"Wow... we are on the floor now!!" Luffy stated in astonishment as the boat started to slide forward.

"But our ship isn't stopping!" Sanji remarked as he hold on to the deck of the boat.


"Hey Zoro!" Luffy greeted when he saw Zoro in front of them as the boat collided at him.

Whish~ Crash~

"What the hell are you playing!?" Zoro asked as he shouted at them in anger.

Luffy and Zoro argued for a minute before Luffy asked where the others are which he replied by saying to hurry up as Usopp got captured by Arlong.

"HE WAS ALREADY KILLED!" someone shouted as he walked out of the trees.

Everyone turned around as they saw Johnny running out of breath with a despair look.

"You are too late... Usopp-sempai was killed by Nami-sempai!" Johnny trembled as he explained what happened in a grave tone.

The five of them shook in shock as they heard what Johnny said to them.

Luffy immediately dashed at Johnny as he grabbed his collar while Yosaku tried to hold him back.

"NAMI WOULD NEVER KILL USOPP BECAUSE WE ARE FRIENDS!" Luffy stated as he shouted at him in rage.

"I don't care if you believe me, but I saw it with my eyes!" Johnny exclaimed in response with watery eyes.

"Who is your friend, Luffy?" a young woman voiced out in annoyance.

"Nami?" Luffy questioned as they all turned around to look at where the voice came from.

"What are you doing here?" Nami questioned with her arms crossed out.

"You are my friend, so we came to take you with us" Luffy stated with a look as if what he was saying is obvious.

"Friend?... don't make me laugh" Nami said as he clicked her tongue.

Nami mocked him as she rambled about how they just used each other and Johnny shouting at how he saw her killed Usopp with his own eyes.

"So what... you want to seek revenge and kill me?" Nami asked with a mocking tone as Johnny frozed at her response.

"No matter how monstrous you are, you can never compare your strength to the real monster" Nami stated as she looked at Luffy with a mocking face.

"Nevermind about that... where is Usopp?" Zoro asked as he ignored what she said.

"Why don't you look for him at the bottom of the sea?" Nami suggested in a mocking tone.

"Watch your mouth!" Zoro said in irritation as he dashed towards her while unsheathing his sword.

"You too, idiot!" Sanji remarked as he appeared right in front him with a kick flying towards him which Zoro ducked and dodge as the kick flew past above his head.

Zoro and Sanji argued with each other as they were about to start a fight but stopped when someone appeared in front of them.

"Okay... okay, can we all calm down for a minute" Kaito suggested as he put both his hands forward towards the both of them.

"...The both of you should not fight each other in a situation like this" Kaito added as he advice at the two of them in calm manner.

"Yes! if you want to fight, just get out of this island!" Nami suggested in a pissed off face.

Nami then explained that they should leave since she only befriended them for money as she will return back the ship to them.

"So... goodbye!" Nami stated with a cold look.

Everyone stayed silent for a few seconds as they looked at her when suddenly Luffy laid down on the floor.

"I am going to sleep here" Luffy stated as he started to fall asleep.

"STOP PLAYING AROUND, YOU WILL GET YOURSELF KILLED!" Nami shouted in rage as she ran off somewhere.


"ALL OF YOU ARE VERY STRANGE!" Yosaku shouted at them with disbelief.

"There is no reason to stay on this island, and I believe in Johnny's word" Yosaku added.

"It's been very nice knowing you, but we're gonna get going now as we don't want to be killed by Arlong" Johnny stated as he looked at them which Zoro nodded his head in response.

Both Yosaku and Johnny walked away as they said goodbye to them.

With the two of them gone, the atmosphere turned silent as they didn't know what to do next.

"Hey... has Nami-san really killed that long-nosed man?" Sanji questioned as he looked at the sky while smoking his cigarette.

"Who knows~" Kaito replied calmly.

"Maybe... even though she is small, I was once beaten by her" Zoro stated as he smirked at him.

"Small... NAMI-SAN'S BREAST ARE NOT SMALL!" Sanji shouted as he launched a kick at him.

"Ugh... are you only thinking of perverted things?" Zoro questioned in disbelief as he was about to block the kick with his sheathed katana.

Suddenly someone dashed at the direction of their attacks as it collided at him and smashed his face.

"Huh?" Sanji, Zoro and Kaito exclaimed as they found the face to be familiar.

"I'm alive... but maybe I'll really die this time" Usopp commented before he fell unconscious at the ground.

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