
Chapter 25: Selling and Buying

Waking up to a ray of sunlight hitting my face, I scrunched my eyes before sighing. Sitting up, I stretched while looking around. Seeing that I was still alone, I sighed before standing up. Hearing the sounds of hammering and people speaking, I made my way to the bathroom, quickly wiping my face before getting dressed.

Grabbing my money pouch and the scroll with the silk, I strapped on my kunai pouch and tied on my Hitai-Ate before exiting my room. Making my way towards the kitchen, I quickly stopped to discuss the progress with the overseer.

He told me that the kitchen should be finished either tonight or early tomorrow, after which they would divide the group of workers up and assign them rooms, allowing the whole house to be worked on at the same time.

Nodding, I made my way down to the gate, turning back to admire the compound.

Smiling, I was happy with the progress already, and couldn't wait to see it when it was finished.

Walking past the gate, I slowly made my way to the main road. As I was walking, I passed Ichiraku Ramen. Pausing slightly, I remembered the promise I made with Naruto. Thinking about the previous few days, I realized I needed to guarantee that I was here in three days; the last thing I wanted was to leave the kid hanging.

Continuing past the stall, I made my way towards the Yamanaka Clan.

Each of the clans in Konoha had there hands in some business, and the Yamanaka dealt in clothing and flowers.

Their buildings stood out quite a bit, as they used yellow walls and orange shingles, creating a bright and happy atmosphere. Like their buildings, the Yamanaka tended to gravitate towards wearing colors; it was quite rare to see a Yamanaka in black unless they were wearing the standard shinobi gear.

Looking around, I spotted a store that had cloth displayed in the windows. Smiling, I made my way in.

Looking around, I marveled at all the different colors and patterns of cloth that were displayed on shelves and tables.

Making my way towards the back, I smiled at the young woman who reading a book. Seeing me approach, she smiled back at me.

"Welcome to Ki Cloth, how may I help you today?"

Taking out the scroll, I withdrew a bolt of silk, placing it on the counter.

"Do you buy bolts of silk?"

Picking it up, the woman unraveled a bit of the silk, feeling it. Holding it up to the light, she nodded her head. Looking back at me, she said "Yes, we do. Is this the only bolt or..."

Shaking my head, I pointed at the scroll. "I have around two dozen more bolts in here. I don't know there quality though..."

Smiling, she placed the bolt down, gesturing for me to take it. Confused, I placed the bolt back in the scroll.

"Follow me. My mother shall handle this transaction."

I followed her into the back of the store, where multiple women were all talking to one another, sewing and cutting fabric. Looking up, they all smiled at the woman and I, before returning to their work. We continued through the room, eventually reaching a small office. Opening the door, the woman bowed before gesturing for me to enter.

Moving inside, the first thing I noticed was the middle aged kneeling in front of a shrine, her hands clasped. Hearing the door open, she turned towards us, a small smile on her lips.

She was a beautiful woman with elegant features. She was wearing a simple orange kimono, accenting her long blonde hair. Her eyes were a deep emerald green.

Standing up, she moved to behind her desk, sighing as she took a seat. Gesturing to the chair opposite her, I sat down.

The daughter closed the door, leaving the room in silence. Placing the scroll on the desk, I said "Ma'am, I have a little over two dozen bolts of silk I wish to sell."

Nodding, the woman took the scroll, removing bolt after bolt, inspecting each one. She created three stacks, nodding to herself.

Looking at me, she smiled. "Young lady, may I ask where you acquired this?"

"A group of bandits near Sora-Ku had crates filled with them."

Nodding again, she pointed to each stack.

"This stack of 3, is all low quality silk. I will pay 12,000 for it."

I nodded.

Moving her finger, she pointed to the next stack.

"This stack of 19, is all mediocre quality silk. I will pay 200,000 for it."

I nodded again, a grin on my face, anticipating the price for the remaining stack.

Pointing to the next stack, the woman hesitated for a moment before saying:

"This stack of 4, is all high quality silk. I will pay 84,000 for it."

Sighing slightly, I could see her smile falter slightly when she told me the total:

"In all, I will give you 296,000 ryo for all 26 bolts of silk."

I nodded, grinning widely. Sighing again, the woman reached into a drawer, taking out a banknote. Writing down the amount, she stamped it before handing it to me.

Quickly placing it in my pocket, I looked at her, asking "You wouldn't happen to sell Kimonos and Qipao here, would you?"

Hearing that, her smile widened, a gleam in her eye. Nodding her head furiously, she said "Yes! We sell some of the finest Kimono and Qipao in Konoha! Are you interested, Young Lady?"

Nodding, I said "Yes, I am. However, I wish to come back with my... girlfriends to hear there opinions, as well as buy them clothes as well."

Hearing that, the woman grinned hard, a fervor in her eye. "If they look as good as you do, I can't wait to get your order! Young Lady, when you come back, I will personally take care of you and your girls! Oh, I can't wait~"

Hearing that, I chuckled. As I thought, most members of clans tend to be a little... out of it, huh?

Standing up, I bowed to the woman. "Thank you, Miss..."

"Etsuko Yamanaka!"

"Thank you, Miss Etsuko. I am Kokoro Kanei, and it was a pleasure doing business with you."

Bowing again, I turned to leave the office.

As I left, I could hear Miss Etsuko frantically talking to the various women in the room, chuckles and screeches of joy making me shake my head slightly.

When I made it back to the main room, the daughter gave me a small smile, shaking her head as she heard the women in the back. Bowing slightly to her, I exited the shop.

Exiting the Yamanaka area, I made my way towards the Nara area. They sold medicines and furniture. Thinking of that, I was slightly confused till I realized why they sold those things.

They had created a medicine that relaxed the body and soothed the mind, making bit easier to fall asleep. And where would they sleep? In the perfect beds they developed, of course.

Really, they are some of the smartest people ever, and yet they turned their attentions towards making the best beds and couches to laze around on.

Sighing, I looked around the Nara District, snorting when I saw the familiar dark walls and shaded areas. I understood that this helped them in case of an attack, what with their Shadow Jutsu, but seeing the various members of the Nara Clan lazing about, either playing Shogi or Mahjong, sleeping, or simply talking to one another in the shade as they talked about how their deer were doing.

Sighing, I ignored the curious gazes sent my way. Looking around, I realized that the damn clan was to lazy to even hang up signs...

Turning towards a man and woman who were bickering over who's deer was better, I asked "Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy furniture here?"

They stopped talking, looking at me.


Then they looked at each other.

Still silent.

Then they looked back at me.

Before they could look at each other again, I pointed at the man, saying "Where. Can. I. Find. A. Furniture. Shop. Please."

Opening his mouth, he sighed before pointing to the door behind him. "I sell furniture..."

Looking at him in disbelief, I shook my head, entering his store. Looking around, I saw a few couches and beds that had been assembled, Nara Clan members Laing on them. Rubbing my temples, I turned to the man who followed me in.

"What is the biggest, strongest bed you have?"

Hearing that, a small glimmer of excitement appeared in his eyes. Moving slightly quicker, the man rounded a corner, pointing towards a gigantic bed, where a dozen Nara members sat, talking and playing a card game. Turning their gazes towards us, I looked towards the man.

"How much?"

"100,000... no, 120,000!"

Blinking my eyes a few times, I stared at him.

"Is the bed actually able to withstand serious... use?"

The gleam in his eye doubled, and he leaned towards me, whispering "The old lady you saw outside? She can be quite aggressive at night. I love this bed."

Hearing something flying towards me from behind, I sidestepped, watching as a wooden rod smacked the man in the forehead. Turning, I saw the woman glaring at the man, storming over.

Grabbing his collar, she lifted him up, shaking him. "Who's an old woman, huh?! I'm 23! 23!"

The man had a small grin on his face, while the Nara members around us were chuckling. The woman threw the man onto a surprisingly free couch, instantly falling into a comfortable pose.

Huffing, the woman turned towards me, giving me a smile.

"This bed is quite durable, comfortable, and can be yours for the low price of 100,000 ryo! IN fact, I'll throw in some sheets if you ignore the idiot over there."

Nodding, I followed the woman to the back, where she had me fill out a banknote before she handed me a scroll. Looking at it, she said "We place the fully made beds in these scrolls. To much effort to go to others places and construct them there."

Shaking my head, I took the scroll before leaving the store, making my way back home, swearing to myself to never come back to the Nara District.

Stopping at a small kebab stall, I grabbed a few before walking back to the compound, happy with today. I made 196,000 ryo today, got a good bed, and my kitchen should be done today too!

Humming to myself, I pushed open the Mitarashi gate. Skipping up towards the main house, I opened the front door, taking off my sandals. Putting them to the side, I was about to continue into the house when I saw them

Anko's sandals messily placed in a corner, and Kurenai's placed properly in form of the step, facing the door.

A wide grin spread on my face, and I raced towards the bedroom, feeling the familiar clenching from below.


Alright, long chapter, very little actually happening, but hey, I had fun writing about the quirks of two of the Clans.

Additionally, next chapter is the long awaited Lemon~!!

Anyways, I want to ask you all to do something for me.

I want you all to write me an UNOFFICIAL review in the chapter comments. Not an actual review for the novel, just a little thing in the comments. Let me know what you like, dislike, what I can improve on in your eyes, what you would like to see more of, and so on. Anything you can think of. Like I said for my original work 'My Servant System' (Check it out if you like my writing!) I want to get better at writing, to the point that I can eventually start a p.at.reaon and do this as my 'job'. Obviously, that isn't for a long time, but I still want to improve as a writer either way, and this is the main way, other than writing a bunch more, that I can think to improve; hearing what you all think I do well, what I need to improve/focus on, and so on.

Thank you all so much!


The Nara clan made me chuckle a few times...

Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts
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