
4.04.6 Memory is back.

Hearing the words of her mother, Remira somewhat understood her dreams and goals. She wished to prevent the tragedy from happening again. A noble goal in the eyes of a third party. But there was something that stood out to Remira.


It was odd that her mother would focus on desiring something from her daughter instead of wondering how she had been all these years.

Would a mother, who was ready to give her life away for her daughter make such a choice? Remira didn't think so. There were not many emotions in her mother's eyes besides some hint of pride and love.

She is not the kind to properly recall what her mother used to be like. But she can clearly recall the kinship she had with her, how she would always hold Remira in her arms whenever Remira was moody or sad. 

A change then? It's been over two decades. Enough time for one to grow and evolve with time. 

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