
First Night with Evangeline

Then we asked for a place to rest. I specified that I want us both to have the same room. Paul looked hesitant at that. He was probably thinking that it was improper for us to sleep together at our age, which was absolutely correct. But then again we are not normal pair of siblings, so I explained while activating the eloquent and deceiving powers of my gloves that we were engaged since our birth. I told him that it was a legend in our family that twins like us bring prosperity to the family when married. Eva just nodded along with me, she isn't that good at lying but she can nod. So in the end, he just provided with a single which has a double bed.

Anyway the room was neat, it was what I would expect from upper middle class in this world. We had a dresser and a tea table in the room as well. There was a closet in the room too, it wasn't big though. Just your average closet. Should fill it clothes for us, I suppose.

"So engaged since birth huh? I myself almost believed you." Eva chuckled from beside me.

"Well I just thought it would be a convenient lie considering our mutual affection. Do you disagree?" I replied.

"Not at all. And we have been together for such a long time that I can't bear to sleep without you." She says while jumping on to the bed. "Also I can't believe you just stole all my ailments earlier in the evening. Those gloves and these Beyonder powers are really amazing. I mean teleporting and stuff is really fantastical you know."

"You don't disapprove that I stole all these things and deceived this uncle?" I asked while raising an eyebrow. I mean I always thought Eva was a kind girl, is something wrong with her?

"Hah! Brother Max, you are the only person in the world that really matters to me. And don't expect me to be that naive girl anymore, I have faced hardships in this life Brother. So do whatever you want, I will support you even if we have to challenge the gods!" She says with conviction and I was stunned. But she looks really beautiful when she said that.

"Oh we most definitely will challenge the gods. Though I am sorry that you had to face those hardships." I say while bowing a little. "Anyway we should change our attire, I did steal some comfortable clothes from those shops as well. We should wear them to sleep."

"What? We aren't sleeping naked?! I thought we were going to consummate our relationship in the night." She said with disappointment in her eyes. What to do? What to say? Oh right just gotta say that classic line.

"It isn't the right time yet. We should take some time with our relationship and go on dates first before doing it." Yeah that should do the job. I mean I am not against doing the deed, but I have some plans to make it more memorable not hurry into it just after getting memories.

"Oh really? I think we have gone on enough dates, even though we weren't in a romantic relationship to make us almost a married couple. And you say we need more dates?" Goddammit what do I say now? I mean this line always worked in the novels..... wait did it? "But I suppose you would have your own reasons for delaying it, so I can wait for it. I mean I have loved since I was small and waited for so many years, so I can wait for a few days or weeks." She continues while I mentally sigh in relief. Also did she just say she liked me since small?

"Oho so you liked me since you were small huh? That reminds me that mom wouldn't approve of our relationship. But I guess I will defy her on this topic." I say while reminiscing about Mom. Eva just gets up from the bed and hugs me. "Anyway that's enough reminiscing let's change clothes."

After turning our backs to each other, we change our clothes. I remove Trojan Gloves and put them in my pockets of the comfort clothes I stole to prevent accidental usage. After changing clothes I get on the bed and wait for Eva. She also gets on the bed after changing and hugs me.

"So what did you decide for your Beyonder pathway?" I asked her.

"I am still not sure. I am thinking between Hermit and the Moon pathway, leaning more towards the Moon. I was always fascinated by vampires you know." She replies. And I am just speechless, I mean those Pathways are dangerous as hell. Though Hermit has more direct negative effects. Moon pathway is only dangerous at higher sequences, I will finish the problem by the time she reaches those sequences.

"Why those two Pathways? Why not others?" I asked her. I did explain to her about all 22 Pathways so why did she choose these.

"Well these Pathways interest me and are not occupied by a god. I did consider Wheel of Fortune Pathway but I don't want to deal with something like luck or fate, hence I didn't choose it. Other free Pathways also don't interest me." She replies. That's fair I don't want her to deal with those Snakes of Mercury either.

"Well if you want to choose between these two then choose the Moon Pathway, Hermit Pathway is mostly compromised at the moment."

"Alright I guess I will become a vampire then and choose Moon pathway. And I will drink your blood for my food." She smirks while making biting faces towards the collarbone of my neck.

"Well if that's what you want. Also just an interesting fact, your Mythical form will be a flesh mountain of reproductive organs. So you should change your mind if you find that distasteful." I say to her.

"Well it could be worse I guess, also it's not like we will use our Mythical forms for anything. I don't think there are many good Mythical forms anyway. I bet your Mythical form wouldn't be much better than mine if at all." Well that's harsh but fair. My Mythical form would be a stone clock with hands being made of Worms of time.

"Yeah you are right mine wouldn't be much better." I sighed. "Enough talk and let's sleep. Goodnight Eva."

"Goodnight Brother."

Sleep took over me quite fast. And we both slept till morning in a peaceful way while hugging each other.




We were waken up by a house-maid for breakfast. She also asked if we needed help in changing our clothes but I refused. She didn't insist. Then we had breakfast with Paul and he explained to us that we can stay however long we want till we can have some stable income from some job or business. He also offered us his business contacts in case we needed them. Truly a nice person.

After that he went on to his business, while I stayed inside to investigate the time period I am in by reading newspapers. From which I found out that today is Monday, 2nd July, Year 1349 of the Fifth Epoch.

There were other articles to, there were something about increase in pollution in Backlund but nothing much of importance to me. But timeline wise today should be the day that Klein became a Seer and had his first official Tarot gathering with Audrey Hall (Justice) and Alger Wilson (The Hanged Man). The date itself was much more important to me than the articles in it. And so I started forming my plans for this world.




In the late afternoon, about 3.30 pm. I used the Item Creation power to make a white trenchcoat with the power of Sequence 2 Beyonder Servant of Concealment. It didn't have any Beyonder characteristics, also I added self cleaning and self repairing property on it. It could also be only wielded by me like Trojan Gloves. I named it Coat of Concealment, because I found it appropriate to name it as such.

I created this coat to conceal myself from prying eyes. I mean I couldn't just become a Beyonder of Error pathway without it, who knows how many Avatars Amon has in Backlund. And I don't want to be parasitized by that guy. If I was alone I wouldn't have cared, but since Eva is here I have to be cautious.

Well the rest of the day passed with me spending time with Eva and discussing various things. I also went outside and stole several gold pound notes to make our life easier.

Nothing much of real value happened in the day, and we slept just like the day before.




The next day in the afternoon at 3.30 pm.

I used my item creation powers to create a potion containing Beyonder characteristics of Error pathway from Sequence 5 to 9. This potion has zero spirituality, and contains the effect of advancement ritual to Sequence 5 as well. It is completely safe to drink for a mortal. The characteristics contained within the potion can't be sensed or affected by higher sequences of the same pathway. This potion will result in safe advancement to Sequence 5. This potion will also give the drinker information about the powers that are gained upon drinking them.

Before drinking it, I asked Eva to leave the room. And asked her to be on the lookout and don't allow anyone to disturb me during this.

After making all these preparations, I took brownish red colour potion and drank it in one go while sitting on a chair.

As soon as I drank it. I felt my body changing like it was enhanced. I felt something entering my brain and enhancing it to new heights. I got all the information of abilities I got from Sequence 9 Marauder to Sequence 5 Dream Stealer. I felt all these new ideas about things I never thought about. And last but not the least I felt an urge to steal this world and own everyone in it.

After that I tried cogitation as explained in the novel and calmed down. But I now have this urge to experience new things and have fun. And I kind of want to have a harem. Don't know where the urge came from, perhaps from wanting to steal everything. Oh well, hopefully Eva is okay with this but then again it's a scummy thing to ask of her. (A/N: It seems kinda forced I know but it's the result of several factors.)

Also my item creation ability has upgraded a lot. I can now create items till the peak of Sequence 1 now, once a day. Now I can also save item creation ability uses if I don't use it in 1 day, I can use the ability 2 times the next day. It can stack up to any number of times.

"Eva come in, its done." I ask her to come in. She opens the door slowly and looks in closes it after seeing everything is fine.

"You look more charming than before brother, also your eyes have turned dark grey in colour." She says after coming and sitting in front of me.

"Well what can I say, I became a Beyonder. I am currently Sequence 5 Dream Stealer of the Error Pathway." I tell her while smirking.

"When will I become a Beyonder?" She asks with a pout.

"Soon. In a week at most." I reply while pinching her cheeks.

"Alright I can wait a bit for it." She smiles.


Well that was the chapter did you like it?

Anyway for those who think that direct jump to Sequence 5 is not possible then you are wrong. In the novel someone has accomplished this I don't remember who, but I think it was someone from Prisoner Pathway. So with a cheat like Item Creation it's entirely plausible to accomplish this feat.

I decided Moon Pathway for Eva because it's easier to write it and it would be interesting. Wheel Of Fortune Pathway is a really complicated Pathway in my opinion, also I don't like writing about things like Fate and luck.

And I decided Error Pathway for MC because it is much more combat oriented than its counterpart called Door. Door Pathway is more about escaping from fights. And I wouldn't have chosen Fool Pathway even if you put a gun on my head.

Anyway hopefully I did a good job on this.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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