
Who Are You?

Back to Vic's position...

I'm almost there the thick flesh of the monster is really getting into my nerves and seriously is this really the world-ending class I was expecting? The monster looked weaker than what he is. Though I shouldn't get too carried away with the overconfidence it might backfire.

And from the looks of it, it did already didn't I. My Conflict Precognition spotted multiple enemies going to my direction. Seems like they're using the tunnels I made. Just great more things to go through, can I just finish this mission without any problems dragging me down.

Man they're annoying, so I decided to use some of my magic to block off the monsters killing them a they try to get to me. But why do I have a familiar feeling lingering to me. Like a bad taste in my mouth it lingers like hell. 

As I continue my digging I arrive somewhere in a big part of the inside of the whale. Wait, is this the true monster?

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