
Come Back

They searched around the park and did found some twigs slightly taller than themselves.

The little lion arranged them like a teepee over the tall tree they were sitting on, and found some big leaves to cover the gaps and the side.

He put some rocks around to make sure it stays standing, and clapped his hands with a huge grin. "Ta-da~"

He pulled the little wolf up on the tree. "Come inside, quick!"

The little wolf still had no idea what's going on, but squatted inside the small tepee hut with the little lion.

It was very narrow and just fits two kids perfectly. He asked the little lion, "What's this?"

"Don't you see? It's our home!" The little lion exclaimed.

"Wow, this is already a home? But it's so tiny....." The wolf said.

The lion frowned. "You don't like it?"

The wolf shook his head. "Nope, I do. I'm just not used to living in homes as small as this, but I like it. It's very cozy."

The lion smiled wide at this, and took the wolf's hand.

"Let's make a promise. Since this is our home, you have to return here with me, ok? When you leave, you're gonna miss it and return to it no matter what."

"You have to, ok? Promise me!"

The little wolf's eyes shine wide. "This is our home..." He muttered as if he can't believe it at first.

"Yep. Yours and mine. You're going to come back here with me, ok?" He lifted his pinky finger.

The little wolf smiled and hooked his pinky with his. " Ok! I promise!"

They laughed together, and then the wolf asked.

"So..... what do we do in our new home?"

"We sleep together. Look, that's our bed." The lion pointed in a corner inside the teepee.

"It's made of leaves." The little wolfe hesitated. "There's no bugs in there, right?"

"Nope. I checked. It's kinda comfy too."

The lion went in to lay down, and patted the place beside him. "Come! Come!"

The wolf hesitated, but eventually joined him. The teepee really was too small even for the both of them, and a little creaky too.

But they managed to lay peacefully. Just twigs tied together on a treetop and covered with leaves, yet it still somehow felt comfortable.

"What do we do now?" The little wolf asked as he laid beside the little lion.

"Well..... We could rest and sleep. That's what people usually do during a hard day of work. They sleep in their homes."

"So I sleep with you?" The little wolf asked shyly. "What if I snore or do something embrassing while I'm asleep?"

"Haha, I'd also be asleep to notice them. Don't worry about it."

The little lion adjusted himself to have the little wolf lay beside him, resting his head on his arm. The cuddled each other and closed their eyes.

Except the little lion couldn't sleep. He could only lay there, and watch the little wolf breath so gently.

He ran his fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead.

He whispered something softly to his ear, but he knows the little wolf would not respond since he was fast asleep.

He was satisfied with that. As long as he said it before he can go.....



He heard a sound.

Worried, he shook the sleeping wolf beside him.

"Wolfe..... Wolfe!"

But he was fast asleep. There was another snap! and their little house shook.

"Wolfe, wake up!"

He opened his eyes, mumbling. "Leon---"

But it was too late.

They both fell, and he quickly covered the little wolf's head as they did!

But one of the rocks hit the little wolf's arm, causing him to shout in pain and cry.

"What happened here!?" They heard an adult's voice, and two large hands trying to reach through the rubble of twigs, leaves, and rocks that they were buried in.

"Wolfe, don't cry! It'll be alright!" The little lion consoled the crying boy in his arms, but the little wolf was taken from him.

"What were you two doing!?" The father wolf said. "My son's arm is broken!"

"W-We..... We just made a house, and....." The little lion faltered.

His father lion also took him. "On top of a tree!? That's too dangerous, Leon!"

"I better call a hospital." The father wolf took out his phone, but it rang befor he even opened it.

"Hello? I can't talk right now, my son is---- Are you serious!?" He exclaimed. "That fast!? Ok, ok... shit! Just get the helicopter, quick!"

He ran off carrying the crying little wolf with him to his car. The little lion followed, wanting to apologize, but his father grabbed him before he can get hit on the streets.

"Wolfe! Wolfe, come back! I'm sorry!" He exclaimed.

Wolfe was on the backseat and still crying, but he turned to Leon as if reaching out to say something.

He could not hear what it was, however as the car zoomed away fast.



Leon woke up with a start, his right arm feeling heavy.

He realized something was on it. A head.

He felt like he was transported into that dream again, except the little wolf had grown into a large, beautiful wolf.

He sighed. Wolfe Fang was clinging on to him tightly, both of them going past the barricade of pillows.

He looked at that sleeping face. It felt like nothing really changed, even when this person changed a lot.

His breathing was the same. His long eyelashes. His soft hair...

He ached to touch that hair, and kiss that forehead, and whisper just like he did when he was young.

"Always come back to me, Wolfe. I don't want you to leave me."

But he didn't do that. He closed his eyes, and went back to sleep.

This time, Wolfe opened his. When he was sure Leon was sleeping.....

He did three course of actions that would have made Leon's heart ache if he was secretly awake.

Sadly, he wasn't pretending. Wolfe hoped he was, but he wasn't.

He will never know, then.

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