
Drew's Key To The Third Eye

I don't have to wait too long when Drew walks into the shop. He waves his hand to greet me when he notices my expression. He quickly walks over. "What's wrong?"

"I… Well… Are there Fasurus in the Lands of Time?"

"Fasurus? No. I don't think so. At least I've never seen one. I doubt they could enter even if they wanted to."

"What about animals?"

He shakes his head. "Did you see something there?" I quickly describe what I had met. He is quiet for some moments. "I think we should tell Hugo. Just to be safe. I mean, with all that's going on right now, a Fasuru in the Lands could be disastrous."

"I don't think Hugo's around."

Drew nods as he brings out his phone, he wastes no time calling Hugo. After a couple of rings, Hugo answers. "What is it?" I have no problem hearing his voice after activating the enhancement noer.

"Hugo, we have something urgent to tell you. Can you come back now?"

Hugo goes silent. A second later I see Hugo walking out of thin air, phone in hand. "What happened." He looks tense. Drew quickly retells what I had told him and Hugo quickly relaxes. "So, you called me, because of a Watcher?"

"A Watcher?" Drew asks.

"Yes. They tend to the Lands. Normally they prefer to go unseen so we don't usually talk about them," he turns to look at me. "What did it first say to you?"

I answer. "That I have great potential."

Hugo nods. "I thought as much. Fasurus usually want to bond with people with good enough potential."

"Bond? You mean to possess, right?" Drew contradicts.

Hugo shoots him a funny look. "No. I mean bond. You know, with all that happened with you and Ruan I thought you of all people would understand better. Not all Fasuru are evil, Drew, and Ruan is not the only exception, I understand the war may have caused a lot of you to think like that, but it's simply not true. Anyway, this is nothing to be worried about. Now, if you'll excuse me I still have important business to attend to."

The next moment he is gone. I turn to look at Drew. I remember now that when he first told me the truth about magic he had mentioned someone named Ruan. Then, I had assumed he was talking about someone, but now I realize that he had been talking about a Fasuru. Looking at his expression, I eventually decided against asking about Ruan mow. Besides, I'll probably find out everything in the future so there's no need to worry about it now.

Anyway, since the incident turned out to be nothing serious, it would be a waste of brainpower to spend time worrying over it, there are far more important things to worry about. Like the noer the Watcher had shown me.

"Hey, Drew," I try to get his attention.

"Umm," he turns to me.

I sketch the noer in the air. "What do you think of this noer."

He first gives the noer an uninterested glance, then he pauses. A second later he sits up, deciding to give the noer his undivided attention. "This is…" he begins saying after another moment of silence. "This looks like it could… Where did you see this?"

I explain how the Watcher gave it to me, informing me that it would help me master sensing my Uua in the environment. He nods, then closes his eyes. A second later a bunch of Roes appear in the air all around us. He opens his eyes excitedly. "This can do so much more than that! It can help me sense both Uua and Eani. Everything around me. This… is busted! With this opening, the third eye will be a breeze. Why weren't we taught this noer?"

I shrug unable to answer his question, but now that I've seen that it is safe and successful, I decided to try it out for myself. First I create a Roe and then let it disperse. Then, following Drew's example, I close my eyes and activate the noer.

The next moment I feel… I don't know how to describe how I feel, but it is exhilarating. I open my eyes and activate the second sight noer. Almost immediately I am greeted by the strange multi-colored mist I have come to know as the Eani, but something is different this time. I feel a sort of strange connection to it that I can't particularly explain, but even stronger is the connection I feel to my Uua. It has been dispersed but yet I can sense it as clearly as though it was still within me.

Wanting to know for sure I reach out and almost all my Uua re-coalesces, still it is not enough, the knowledge that this is not all I can do consumes me. I attempt to transform the Uua into telekinetic force, but it fails, still, I don't give up as I attempt it again and again.

"What are you doing?" Drew finally notices my efforts.

"I'm trying to change my Uua into telekinesis."

"That won't work. The noer isn't capable of allowing you to do that. It can only let sense Uua and Eani, you can only perform that if you open your third." I stop, feeling a bit disappointed and unfulfilled. Some part of me wants to continue trying but the rational part of me understands that if Drew says it isn't possible, it probably isn't. After all, he has been a Laen much longer than me, he would have a better idea of their limits compared to me.

Not too long later, the rest of his team comes and Drew informs them about my little incident, before showing them the noer and explaining its functions.

"With this, I'm pretty sure I can open my third eye in the next three months or so," he explains at the end of his speech. "But what I can't understand is why no one knows about this noer. I doubt that after hundreds of years no one would have discovered something so useful."

"I'm sure there's a good reason for it," Emma says, breaking her usual silence. "Still, let's not tell anyone else about the noer alright? At least, until we figure out whether it's okay or not."

We all nod, agreeing with her.

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