
2. My Bad Luck Continues. Am I Going To Die?

As soon as Johan and his friends left the hall with the rewards from the competition, they felt relieved.

"That was too scary."

"Even I was petrified for a moment."

"Maybe he has superpowers."

"You're too paranoid."

"Yeah, you watch too many movies and anime."

As they walked, they discussed Lu Feng who put pressure on them when shaking hands shortly after the competition ended. The five of them understood one would definitely feel resentful about losing. But this was the first time for them to feel the pressure from someone as if a buffalo had suddenly pressed against them while sleeping.

At first, they thought it was their imagination. And it turns out they all feel the same way.

"So where are we going?" Johan said. He didn't feel like going back to the apartment since it was still early.

"Let's go to Starpucks!" They had earned 10000 RMB as a reward, so Yan Guge suggested them to a famous cafe.

"Can we not go hang out somewhere expensive? I want to save some money for a motherboard and a VGA upgrade." Johan scratched his head while smiling awkwardly. He needs those things so he can stream and make money. Although his income from streaming is not much, at least the income can support him. Besides, his mother could only give him a little pocket money, and the rest to pay for his apartment rent.

"Don't worry! I'm here." Yan Guge gave a thumbs up while grinning and showing his shining teeth. He understood Johan's condition. Johan is a student who received a scholarship that allowed him to study for free. His widowed mother also only works as an assistant designer at her sister's place who lives in Weifang prefecture, so the salary is not much.

Johan tapped Guge's shoulder.

"Oh Guge, my bro. You're such a nice guy."

Guge could only twitch. Ridiculously, the "nice guy" label isn't a great thing for those who want a girlfriend. It can even backfire on them.

"Don't randomly give me a nice guy card!"

"Hahahaha." Everyone laughed at him while they were walking to the Starpucks cafe.

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Johan graduated high school when he was not yet 17 years old, however, misfortune befell him the day after the graduation ceremony until he had to wait 1 year to continue his studies.

This is his first semester after being accepted into college by taking the department of computer science and technology.

Johan was born with an innate talent in both eyes that can catch things that are difficult for others to see. For example, he could capture a scene with his eyesight even though the scene moves quickly and is difficult for others to see clearly. Of course what is meant is normal speed, not the speed of light. In addition, his eyes can sometimes see distant scenery clearly without using a tool.

He also had good reflexes because his body could directly respond to what he saw with his eyes due to his extraordinary eyesight. Equipped with a good memory, it was no wonder that Johan was smart enough to study abroad.

Before entering high school, Johan always ranked first in terms of grades. It made him feel bored because no rival could shift his ranking.

Entering high school, he tried new things to get rid of boredom, and the first thing on his mind was online games. Sure enough, in online games, there were many skilled players.

Johan adapted to the game so quickly, getting excited because he had a rival or someone better than him to beat. He became famous as an e-sports player, especially in fps games within just a year and a half after playing games.

Drastic changes occurred one year and four months after.

Shortly after the final exam in high school ended, misfortune fell on him. His eyesight was deteriorating. This made Johan feel deep shock and depression. He has been eating nutritious food regularly, even taking vitamins every day to keep his body and eyes healthy. His deteriorating eyesight didn't make sense, because the day before, his eyes were still in good health.

After that, he was slandered by his uncle for robbing his house a month before. Of course, he denied it. How could he admit something he's never done?

Outrageously, his uncle gave evidence in the form of his fingerprints that were in his house to the police station.

Johan immediately got mad and snapped at his uncle when he was dragged to the police station.

"Fu*kin as**ole! Has your relative never stopped by your house? I've been to your house as a relative even though your family hates my mother, and you used my fingerprints on your house as evidence of a robbery?"

At that time, Johan really wanted to kill his uncle, along with his wife, and his daughters. Never once would he have thought that a relative would be so shameless as to use his own nephew's fingerprints as evidence of a crime.

Johan knew that his mother, Hani, had been hated by his father's family for a long time. Johan did not know when exactly, but his mother had told him it started when Johan was a child.

Johan didn't know why exactly his father's relatives hate Hani. All he ever thought or guessed was that their relationship was also initially disapproved of by his father's parents because his father had been betrothed to someone from a conglomerate family. In addition, Hani was still in high school at that time.

Due to his father angered the conglomerate family, they retracted their agreement which was an arranged marriage with their daughter.

Sometime later, his father's parents found out that Hani was the daughter of a rich family living in a big city, and since then, their relationship was approved.

After Hani got married, she received unpleasant looks from the in-laws' family. Many even called her a whore when she was alone at home. Verbal abuse was repeatedly carried out by the in-laws' family. Hani didn't care as she was still patient and steadfast in their treatment. But their oppression peaked. And as a result, the shop that Hani bought and opened with her own money was sold by his grandparents.

Johan was dumbfounded when he heard that from his mother. He was still a little kid at that time. So, he didn't understand.

She said his grandparents told his father that they had given the shop to Johan's mother. For some reason Johan's father didn't use his brain, he was so stupid and easily deceived, which made him obey his parents' words. It happened when Johan was only 5 years old and going to elementary school.

It turned out when his mother returned to her hometown and sent Johan to school there because of that problem. It was his mother who cried and made all the relatives of his mother propose a family gathering.

And from that moment on, the relatives of his father's family stopped doing what they used to do.

But unexpectedly, when his uncle, who is his father's younger brother, doesn't waste the opportunity to get rid of his mother by using Johan.

As a result, Johan was thrown into prison.

Not only that, because Johan was already quite famous among gamers in Indonesia, he was in the media spotlight at that time.

He still can't forget his mother's cry at that moment which made Johan swear to avenge what his father's relatives did that made his mother shed tears.

Lucky for Johan that his mother's family is rich, so they act and conduct an investigation. Within a month, they managed to reveal a crime that Johan should not have committed. Under the defamation law, the uncle who slandered Johan was sent to prison.

Hani's family couldn't stand it if she was treated like that all the time, they also asked Hani to file an unavoidable divorce request.

After the divorce, Hani's sister who lives in China told her to go to her place. Since Johan is quite smart at studying, it is not impossible if Johan can go to school in China.

The problem was Johan's younger sister who was still in junior high school. Johan's younger sister was not as smart as him, so she must study harder if she wanted to join Johan and her mother in China.

And finally, only Johan and his mother went to China. Johan's younger sister transferred schools to his mother's hometown and studied as hard as she could so that next year she could follow him to China.

Due to his mother's crying, Johan regained his confidence and forgot the depression caused by his deteriorating eyesight.

The media that covered the news about him being imprisoned also apologized by providing news about the fact of defamation by his own relatives.

The media is truly a terrible thing for someone who has fame.

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Remembering his past while he walked back to his apartment with his friends, Johan let out a sigh. What is on Johan's mind right now is how he can make his mother proud. Just getting a scholarship is still not enough.

Because he was walking without paying attention to his surroundings, he didn't notice a truck coming toward him, until when the truck was near, he just heard a scream.

"Yue Han, watch out!!"

Johan lifted his head and was surprised to see the truck that was already in front of his eyes. And what was on his mind was.

"Am I going to die like this? I'm sorry, mother." Johan could only say regretfully in his mind.

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