
The higher they are the harder the fall 4

The night before Nie Yai's funeral, Duke Shenxiu's residence. The Bamboo courtyard, Lv Ming's room.

Lv Ming sat forward as her maid rushed into the room, she shut the paper fan and kept it aside. She rushed to Pengfua and held the maid's hand,

"Did you see anything? It has. Been days since I informed his highness of Nie Yao's plans. He should have sent over a response by now", she said in a hushed whisper.

Although she dismissed all her other inner room maids, she still felt the need to be cautious. There were still a small group of maids on night watch standing guard outside the room door.

Any one of them could overhead her conversation and report it to the Duke and Duchess. When her maid failed to respond, she squeezed the other woman's hands tightly.

"Pengfua! Why are you acting dull? Answer me, did his highness send any letters or not!"

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