
A deal sealed with a kiss 5

The Imperial Palace, the Emperor's audience room.

"There is also proof that the poison was purchased by the Crown Prince's man. A woman at the pavilion reported that she was instructed by the Crown Prince to poison the ambassador".

Emperor Xiang's eyes snapped to his third son who looked a little pale. His eyebrows drew together, he gritted his teeth. 

Xiang Chao glanced up as he felt the heated stare. He blinked and sucked in some air. His mind immediately went blank as the grand Chancellor ordered the soldiers to bring in the girl.

He turned back as the door opened heart racing as the soldiers dragged a woman into the room. He squinted his eyes as the bright sun rays got into his eyes 

He couldn't quite make out who that was, which just added to his worries. He feared that Liqiu was the woman that had confessed.

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