


Again, I nodded. His eyes widened a fraction, who would have thought such a small woman would bring men almost twice her size down to their knees?

I made sure to let him know to make sure nothing happens to her, as he looked into who she was working with. But he came up empty, we always did, until William gave the information he knew.

"Rico also worked for Roarke then?" William asks when I finish explaining. I nod, scrolling the videos featuring my woman's sister, dated to five months ago, playing one, Rico was among the men involved in the video, and two others who'd also turned up dead in my estate.

"What are you going to do?"William asks. "I'm going to Colombia," I say, simple and clear.

Knowing me, he should have expected that much.He signs, knowing he can't change my mind, "when?"

"In five hours," I say, having calculated the time I want to spend in the torture chamber with the idiot that torched my woman's apartment."You're going to kill him," he says.

I nod, standing up, shrugging off my jacket, "and he's going to take the blame for ERIS murders," I had decided that the moment I stepped foot in the estate, he will be the scape goat until another murder turns up.

William knowing I am in no mood to argue, my muscles tense, he nods. I leave him in the office with instructions to find what he can of Eris' sister whereabouts,while I deal with the arsonist.

"I don't like it when people ruin my night," I groan in feign frustration the moment I step foot in the room. Nicholas is standing by the tools table, our victim chained in the middle of the room, standing, his feet barely touching the ground, his hands raised in the air. His mouth is sealed with duck tape. I raise my browat Nicholas, since he was supposed to be questioning him, and he can't answer with his mouth covered.

The fucker shrugs, "his screams were getting annoying." Then he grins, "plus, I thought you'd want to hear his answers directly from the horse's mouth." I snicker,then look at the man, tilting my head to the side, he doesn't look anything past twenty five.His eyes widen when he sees me, when he recognizes me, I see the fear seep into his eyes, and now it's my turn to grin. I grab the tape next to his ear and pull it fast, he winces in pain and without wasting any precious time the begging starts.

I don't even give him a second glance, making my way to the tool table where Nicholas is, he hands me the boys wallet, I scan his ID, probably a fake, but who cares. I throw it and pick a drill, then make my way to the guy, ignoring his mumbles of pleas. I turn the drill on, watching as the tip and the length of the metal twists in circles, then switch it off. I turn it on and off, with every movement, inching it closer and closer to his knees.

"I swear, I didn't know," he screams, like he has for the past few minutes, that he didn't know he was messing with someone under my protection, that he was messing with me, that he would be useful to me, that he would get Intel for me, that I would be happy to spare him. Sick of his begging, I turn it on once more and press it on his left knee, hearing him scream his lungs out, as the drill eats through his flesh and bone,his blood splashing on my shirt.I pull the drill out,the screaming stops but the crying doesn't. "Hand me the hammer, will you?" I say to Nicholas, my eyes still on this boy.

"Who gave you the orders to burn the apartment?"I ask him, plain and simple. I have no patience left in me to deal with him or anyone else, all I want is to see my little minx. His swollen lips tremble,"Marc." My hand goes limp, the harder still in my hand, "Marc,who?"

He shakes his head, and I raise my eyebrow, "I won't ask you twice." "I don't know -ah!" He screams when my hammer connects with the target knee that I had drilled through.Sweat and snort covers his bloody head,dripping down his chin, "I swear, I don't know." He mumbles a few times. Bored, I connect my hammer to his knee once more. "I'm getting bored, you gotta give me something to work with.How do you know this Marc?"

He explains that he'd been buying cocaine from the guy and that the man had offered free cocaine when he completed the task of getting the apartment burnt. And that he was going to meet the guy when we ambushed him. I tsked, acting irrationally, the man might have been watching. Nicholas thinks the same, because he immediately grabs his phone that was among his other things, and he rattles out his password, then Nicholas is there searching through his recent texts and calls.

He tells him exactly what to check and he does."So this is what's going to happen, buddy, you'll call this Marc and tell him you want payment and ask him where to meet you," Nicholas tells him what to do, immediately filing the number afterwards.

"Uh hi, Marc, it's me. Think I can get the package today? I finished the job," I have to give him props for how steady his voice is for someone who was screaming a minute ago.

This Marc,is suspicious and asks questions my guy gives answers to. He mentions he got roughed up by a few guys from his hood, that's why he couldn't get back to him earlier.

The call ends when they decide to meet in thirty. "Don't even think of doing anything stupid," I tell him.Unwilling to tie up his wounds, I'm forced to go back upstairs and call one of the younger boys, to do the job.

My mind drifts to the woman with curly hair that has taken up my thoughts and I can't wait to see her again.

Next chapter