
Important Announcement!!!

Before getting into this, I want to emphasize: THIS DOES NOT MEAN I'M DONE WITH SPIDER-MAN! Spider-Man will still be a significant part of my writing until I finish the story completely. So, please read through till the end!

Now, onto the announcement... While I'm uncertain of everyone's reaction, I'm hoping for positivity all around. Truthfully, after nearly 700 chapters, I've hit a point of exhaustion with Spider-Man. It's been an incredible journey, but I'm feeling the need for a change. Hence, I've decided to adjust my schedule and pour more energy into the Star-Lord story I've been writing, which should be posted to Webnovel as this announcement goes out.

Here's the updated patréon writing schedule:

•Monday: 2 Star-Lord chapters

•Tuesday: Day off

•Wednesday: 2 Star-Lord chapters

•Thursday: 2 Spider-Man chapters**

•Friday: 2 Star-Lord chapters

•Saturday: Day off

•Sunday: 2 Star-Lord chapters

**I would usually take Thursday off, since I always write every other day, but I've decided to make it a Spider-Man writing day instead. Yes, I'll still dedicate two chapters a week to Spider-Man, including Webnovel who will get two chapters a week as well.

You guys would get two chapters ever week, probably on Fridays.

Moreover, I'm excited to announce that the Star-Lord story is on Webnovel NOW! So, that's both exciting and nerve racking. Hopefully you guys give it a chance and enjoy what I've been cooking up.

The new story is called: I'm Star-Lord (StarWars Xover)

To those disappointed or frustrated by this change, please accept my apologies. I'm sorry, I truly am but this has to be done for my own sanity.

However, I'm eager to start on this newer story while still keeping Spider-Man in the mix, albeit less frequently. I know a lot of my patrons get excited whenever I write Star-Lord chapters, so I hope you all enjoy this new shift.

I really hope this announcement hasn't dampened anyone's spirits or ruined anyone's day. I genuinely appreciate you guys and truthfully, making this announcement is scary for me, because I don't know how you will all react…

Anyway, thanks as always and I'll see you guys in the new story, which is up right now!!!

Go give stones to my new story!!!!!

AlienWarlordcreators' thoughts
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