
C653 Jealousy

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): BenBagMan!🏆 (A/N: 👑)

(A/N: Warning: I changed Prowler-Miles's middle name to Mateo. To avoid any confusion, I'll start using Mateo as his name at some point in this chapter.)

Opening his eyes, Miles Mateo Morales felt a throbbing ache throughout his entire body. "Ugh… Where am I?" He asked, his blurry eyes focusing to reveal his surroundings.

The dim lighting of his own hideout appeared before him, a tower of an old abandoned building. The soft glow of his computer monitors and other tech caught his eye, but as he tried to move, Miles quickly realized he was tied up in chains, suspended on his punching bag.

(A/N: Uno reverse card)

Panic set in as he struggled against the unforgiving chains, his memories of the recent encounter with the strange superpowered creeps who were spying on his mother came flooding back.

Suddenly, a familiar, resigned voice echoed through the hideout, "I guess you're awake now."

"Uncle Aaron?" Miles called out hopefully. "Quick, you gotta let me out. I don't know when those perverts are going to come back. We need to be ready…"

Desperation crept into Miles' tone as he pleaded for help, asking his uncle to free him. However, the reality soon became clear.

"I don't think I'll be of much help either…" Uncle Aaron revealed, wiggling the same chains as his nephew, which Miles could feel from his position. He was restrained as well, dangling alongside his nephew, both tied on opposite sides of the punching bag.

Frantically looking around, Miles realized that their captors were nowhere to be seen. "We need to figure a way out of this before they get back," he urged, his mind racing with thoughts of escape.

Uncle Aaron, struggling against his own chains, nodded in agreement. "I'll do what I can, but there's something you should know..." He says, recalling the other Miles, the superpowered clone of his nephew.

Miles, still struggling to break free, brushed off his uncles words. "Save it for when we're free. We need to focus right now…"

As they exchanged words, the rhythmic clinking of chains filled the air, a somber symphony of captivity.

"I really think that you should hear this now…" He says, clearly still freaked out by the identical twin of his nephew.

But suddenly, before he could explain or they could escape, the hideout's entrance creaked open, and two familiar voices approached, returning from their food run.

Instantly, their eyes widened as they realized that their captors were returning, their conversation echoing through the stairwell.

"Should we have left them alone for so long? What if they got free and escaped while we were gone?" A familiar voice spoke, stating his concern.

Another voice, nonchalantly slurping on a blue icee, dismissed the worry. "Relax, Miles. You seem to forget but neither of them have superpowers, and I've got magical failsafes on those chains. They're not going anywhere."

As the voices drew nearer, Miles and his Uncle Aaron decided to feign unconsciousness, hoping to avoid their captors interest so that they can creat an opportunity to escape. Instantly, their bodies slumped over in unison, pretending to be oblivious to their surroundings.

As the two captors walked in, revealed to be Peter and the original Miles, only one of them realized that their captives weren't actually asleep.

A knowing smirk on his face, Peter turned miles and spoke. "Huh, looks like they're still knocked out. Maybe we should just off them and be done with it? I heard we can make like 10 grand just from selling a single kidney…"

Miles, missing the sarcasm, turned to Peter, absolutely flabbergasted by the words that just left his friend and bosses mouth, "Peter, what the—" but he was cut off.

Suddenly, Prowler-Miles and Uncle Aaron 'woke up,' their eyes wide open in fright, glaring at their captors in defiance. "!"

Peter's smirk persisted as he teased, gesturing towards them. "Hey, look, they woke up. That was fast. It's almost like they weren't even asleep…"

Upon hearing this, and seeing the smile on Peter's face, both Miles' suddenly realized that he wasn't serious about his murderous comment.

Prowler-Miles, frustration evident in his voice, retorted, "What's the big idea, keeping us hostage… like… this…?" His voice trailed off as he caught sight of his clone standing before him. They may have different hairstyles, but other than that they were completely identical. It was like looking into a mirror. "What the…"

Uncle Aaron chimed in, "Yeah, you see... That's what I was trying to tell you… It's creepy isn't it? He looks just like you..."

Peter, unfazed, continued slurping his icee. "Miles Gonzalo Morales meet Miles Mateo Morales." He introduces them, gesturing from his Miles to the captive one.

Prowler-Miles, wide eyed in bewilderment, shot a confused look at Peter. "How the hell do you know my full name?"

Shrugging, Peter pulled out two wallets, which he stole from them earlier while he was tying them up, tossing them to the floor. "It was on your school ID, Mateo." He revealed, turning to eye the captive Miles with a questioning look. "You don't mind if I call you that, do you? After all, it would cause too much confusion if I were to called you both by your first names."

(A/N: Prowler-Miles will now be referred to as Mateo from here on out.)

Still confused, Mateo couldn't hold back his questions, firing them off one by one. "Why does he get to keep his first name and I'm stuck with my middle name? Am I not the original or something? Am I a clone? Is he a clone? Wait… that can't be it, right? Were we twins separated at birth? That can't be… My parents would never allow that."

Peter shakes his head. "No, it's none of that. And as for why he gets to keep his first name… did you hear his middle name? Gonzalo." He sounded the name out slowly. "I mean, it's not a bad name, but it's not exactly first name material…"

"Hey!" Miles shouted. "Gonzalo is a good first name! My mom wanted to name me Gonzalo, but my dad likes Miles more…"

Peter nodded in appreciation, "Well, thank god for your dad because he fought to give you a much better name…"

"It's not that bad…" Miles muttered under his breath.

Ignoring his captors bickering, Mateo stares straight at Miles, intrigue and confusion showing in his face as he asked. "Who are you?"

"Umm, I'm just Miles…" Miles answered simply, shrugging his shoulders.

Mateo stared at Miles, an annoyed look on his face. "You can't just be Miles. Because I'm Miles, and I've been Miles for as long as I can remember. So once again, who are you?"

Peter stepped forward, sensing the tension in the room. "I can explain."

He proceeded to give a quick explanation about the existence of the multiverse, detailing how they were both from separate universes.

Mateo gestured toward Miles with his head, a puzzled expression on his face. "If we're the same person from different universes, then how is it that I don't have superpowers like this idiot? It's like you two just stepped out of a comic book or something…"

Miles looked offended but remained silent, knowing the reason behind Mateo being powerless, and it was somewhat his fault.

Detecting the guilty look on Miles's face, Mateo became suspicious. Miles, however, seemed hesitant to say anything, prompting Peter to intervene. "Miles, I think it's best to rip the bandaid off now than wait… Do you want me to explain, or?"

Reluctantly, Miles shook his head, finally speaking up to clarify why Mateo lacked superpowers. He explained that the spider that was supposed to bite Mateo and grant him powers had been brought to his universe by accident, biting Miles instead. Mateo, unfortunately, missed out on becoming Spider-Man as he was meant to.

Mateo and his Uncle Aaron were stunned, the gravity of the revelation sinking in. Mateo realized that unknowingly missing out on getting superpowers might have changed the course of his entire life. If he had received his powers as intended, maybe he wouldn't be a criminal, or at least he would be a much better criminal than he already is.

But most of all, maybe… just maybe, his father would still be alive…

The room fell into a heavy silence as Mateo processed this unexpected twist of fate. The connection between the two Miles Morales's, now marked by the divergence in their destinies, hung in the air like an unspoken truth.

One, who was never meant to get powers, but received them anyway. The other, who was destined to receive amazing abilities that never arrived. And probably never would either.

The impact of what could have been weighed heavily on Mateo. And as these thoughts swirled around in his head, he couldn't help but glare at Miles, his entire being radiating with a mix of jealousy and anger as he asked, "is your dad still alive?"

Miles nodded dumbly, confused by the question, "Y-Yeah…"

In that moment, Mateo realized something that he already learned a long time ago, but seemed to have forgotten up until now.

The world isn't fair…

The universe isn't fair…

And even the multiverse isn't fair…

He lost his golden opportunity and more importantly his father...

Meanwhile, Miles got everything that should've been his. His father, his powers, his happy little life.

Miles took it all from him!


Deep within the heart of the Earth, unbeknownst to the inhabitants above, a celestial seed, a potent source of cosmic power, silently pulsed with energy. It had slumbered for millions of years, fed by the vitality of humanity and nurtured by the long-vanished Eternals.

Yet, the once-shepherded seed now harbored an ominous secret. Centurion, the formidable Kang, had discovered and seized control of this celestial seed after slaughtering the mast of the Eternals ages ago.

In the dimly lit chamber where the seed resided, Centurion hovered before a console, fingers dancing across holographic controls. His dark eyes glowed with anticipation as he monitored the growth and resonance of the celestial power within the seed.

It had become a weapon, a tool cultivated for an eternity, put through endless experiments which enhanced its power far beyond the strength of any other Celestial in existence. Even Knull, in all of his strength and equipped with his god-killing sword, paled in comparison to his creation.

And this creation was ready and waiting to be unleashed to destroy his enemies. Or rather his enemy…

Peter Parker…

'He must have the cloak already…' He thought, his face morphing into an irritated grimace. Though seconds later, that grimace turned into a predatory smile. After all, he could always take possession of Deaths cloak after killing its new owner.

A/N: 1800 words :) BTW, I just wanted to say thanks for the nice comments in the update I posted last night. This may be parasocial of me, but I really appreciate you guys a lot. From the lurkers that never show themselves in the comments, to the same mofo's who are always here when the chapters releases and never fail to leave comments everyday *looks at DarkSlayer* Anyway, that's enough sappiness, I'm going to sleep. 😴




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