
C611 Long Awaited Evolutions

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After the intense battle with the Silver Surfer, Peter carefully collected the remnants of the cosmic entity. From blood to bones and other assorted bits, he made sure to grab it all, leaving nothing behind. Gwen, standing beside him, couldn't help but question his actions.

"Why are you keeping his remains?" Gwen inquired, a disgusted and puzzled expression on her face.

Peter, securing the collected parts in his storage necklace, responded matter-of-factly, "You can't just leave powerful guy's like this lying around. Some wannabe villain could stumble upon it, use his DNA for some evil experiment, and cause me a whole bunch of trouble."

Gwen raised an eyebrow, "But what could they do with it?"

Peter smirked, "Create a serum, gain some cosmic powers, and become a real pain in my a*s. Trust me, always collect the remains and tech of every villain you come across, even if it's just to incinerate them later. You never know when being lazy could cause you more problems… trust me."

Gwen couldn't help but nod in agreement. Although she thought it was disgusting, Peter's advice made sense.



Upon returning to Earth, Peter took Gwen back to his home, where the others were already fast asleep. They hadn't noticed until now, but the fight against Silver Surfer took longer than expected.

"How the hell is it already 2 AM?!" Gwen exclaimed as she noticed the time.

Peter shrugs. "Who knows…"

Gwen, visibly exhausted, yawned and bid Peter goodnight. "Whatever… I think I need some rest after all that chaos," she admitted as she made her way to the stairs.

Peter nodded, "Sleep well, Gwen."

As she started to climb the stairs, Gwen paused and looked back at Peter. "Aren't you going to sleep too?"

Peter grinned, "Nah, still got a lot of adrenaline pumping through me. I'll watch some TV for a bit. I'll be fine."

Shrugging, Gwen continued up the stairs, leaving Peter in the living room. Alone, he settled onto the couch, the glow of the television casting a soft light across the room.

As Peter leaned back, relaxing into the couch, his gaze fixed on the screen displaying an episode of Doctor Who, his mind immediately wandered elsewhere, unable to pay attention to one of his most favorite TV shows.

The inevitable arrival of Galactus lingered in his thoughts. A being far more powerful than the Silver Surfer, the herald he had recently defeated. Peter couldn't shake the realization that Galactus posed a formidable challenge, one that went beyond the ordinary scope of his usual encounters.

While the infinity stones could easily ensure victory, Peter hesitated to take that route. Where was the thrill in simply snapping his fingers and ending the battle before it began?

Something had awakened within Peter after his intense clash with the Silver Surfer. A newfound drive to face stronger opponents, to test the limits of his abilities, surged through him. Too long had he been stuck battling adversaries who failed to truly challenge him. The Silver Surfer had changed that.

His thoughts drifted to past battles, confrontations with foes who had pushed him to his limits. Dormammu's name echoed in his mind, a being who Peter defeated, a being who was probably on the same level as Galactus, if not stronger due to his control over the Dark Dimension.

But this time was different, this time, Peter wanted to face Galactus head-on, without the aid of the infinity stones, at least initially. After all, he could always use the stones as a Plan B.

As the seconds passed, Peter's determination grew. There was a thirst for a genuine challenge, a desire to face a being of unknown strength and come out on top. The allure of a formidable battle, where victory was uncertain, appealed to Peter like never before.

As Peter's gaze remained fixed on the television, his mind wrestled with the daunting challenge of facing Galactus without the crutch of the infinity stones. The realization dawned upon him that he wasn't currently strong enough for such a formidable confrontation.

Determined not to back down, Peter acknowledged the need to elevate his strength. With a resolute expression, he reached into his storage necklace, extracting multiple vials of blood. Each vial held the life essence of powerful individuals, meticulously labeled and sealed. They were the blood of those Peter deemed crucial to save.

On the coffee table in front of him, Peter arranged the vials, creating a miniature assembly of potent forces. The labels on each vial spoke volumes about the contained power — Superman, Martian Manhunter, Flash, Homelander, Scarlett Witch, Ego, Hela, Thanos, and the last, an unlabeled vial, housing the blood of the Silver Surfer, the cosmic entity he had vanquished less than an hour ago.

The labels on the vials seemed to hold the promise of strength and resilience. Each drop of blood contained the essence of heroes and villains alike, individuals whose powers could potentially tip the scales in his favor.

As he stared at the array of vials, a multitude of choices lay before Peter. The prospect of assimilating the powers within these vials was not new to him. It would no doubt come with its share of pain, yet it was a means to an end, a way to enhance his abilities and prepare for the cosmic confrontation looming on the horizon.

The decision weighed heavily on Peter's shoulders. Should he utilize the powers of all these extraordinary beings, or would it be wiser to select a few, focusing on the more potent ones? The pain and strain of assimilation were not to be taken lightly, and the thought of undergoing the process with each vial in such a short amount of time sent a shiver down his spine.

The room fell silent as Peter pondered his choices. He contemplated, realizing that a selective approach might be the key, but… Taking a deep breath, Peter said, "F*ck it!" and decided to just start with the most powerful samples and work his way down until he couldn't take the pain anymore.

Staring intently at the vials, Peter wasted no time and swiftly picked up the unlabeled one containing the Silver Surfer's blood. There was no doubt, it was the most powerful sample he possessed, so it would be the best one to start with.

Uncorking the vial, Peter muttered, "Bottoms up," before downing the contents like a shot, consuming the cosmic essence in a matter of seconds.

As the silver-infused blood reached his stomach, Peter's powers immediately kicked in. Evolution commenced, and a wave of excruciating pain overwhelmed his entire being. His skin reddened, and beneath the surface, muscles, bones, and tendons seemed to writhe and shift, undergoing a constant upgrade.

Before the pain reached unbearable levels, Peter, with a quick and practiced motion, cast a silencing spell on the room. "Ugh… Aaagghh!" Breaking into screams of agony, he collapsed to the floor, ensuring that his loved ones remained undisturbed by his transformation.



Time seemed to stretch as the pain slowly began to subside, leaving Peter sprawled on the hardwood floor. Drenched in sweat, his chest heaved with each labored breath, his entire body aching from the intense process of assimilation.

As his breathing slowed and the echoes of agony faded away, Peter felt the residual effects of his transformation. He instinctively tested his newfound abilities. Raising his hand, a silver sword materialized, falling into his grasp.

"Pretty cool," Peter muttered, his voice a mixture of awe and satisfaction. He began to experiment with his matter manipulation abilities, morphing the silver sword into various shapes and objects. The room, now in silence, became a makeshift training ground for the Spider-Man who had just absorbed the cosmic essence of the Silver Surfer.

His fingers danced with newfound proficiency, shaping and reshaping the silver substance at will. The sword transformed into a shield, then broke off into dozens of tiny geometric patterns, which floated around Peter, moving at his will.

"I guess that's how he flew with the surf board…" Peter muttered as the silver matter returned to him before melting back into his body.

But of course, that wasn't all. The normal things like Superhuman Strength, Senses, Speed, Agility, Stamina, and Reflexes have all been upgraded. Peter could feel a noticeable increase in the power of his body. Especially his already insane Regenerative Healing Factor, which might be on the level of Immortality at this point.

But more than that, Peter felt an odd sense of cosmic awareness, which he didn't have before. His senses seemed to have changed, allowing him to sense energy concentrations anywhere in the universe. For example, right now, he could sense the spark of electrons and surge of chemicals in people, almost reading the essence of their very being. And even beyond that, he could feel the energy of the sun, and if he concentrated hard enough, he could also feel every other star in the sky.

"Okay… this is trippy…" Peter muttered as he retracted his senses and cleared his mind.

Along with his cosmic senses, Peter could now sense and harness the cosmic energies of the universe. Holding up his hand, he focused for a moment before gathering this newfound energy.

Seconds later, Peter watched as a silver light shined, brightly covering his hand.

"This might be the best part of the Silver Surfers powers…" Peter muttered as he felt that using this cosmic energy could both enhance his powers and his Mystic Arts, though he would have to run some experiments first.

Molding the silver cosmic energy between his fingers, Peter felt like he could do almost anything with it. The energy was like a raw power, which only needed to be used correctly. 'I need to practice using this and see if it can spawn any new abilities…'

Although the pain had been intense, the rewards were evident. Peter lay on the floor, a changed man. The essence of the Silver Surfer was without a doubt his most painful evolution yet, but it was certainly worth every bit of agony he went through.

As he lay there, surrounded by the silence of the enchanted room, Peter couldn't help but turn his head to the table, where all of the other vials lay, waiting to be used.

"This is going to be a long night…"

A/N: 1728 words :)




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