
C593 Mesmer

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): DarkSlayer!🏆 (A/N: 👑)

Whilst Peter was busy at the White House, Soldier Boy found himself ensnared in an unexpected predicament. The energetic whirlwind named Ryan, his newfound grandson, had taken it upon himself to showcase his collection of superhero action figures.

Soldier Boy, clad in his iconic suit, as he hadn't had the chance to change, felt a mix of awkwardness and irritation as he sat on the floor surrounded by the array of dolls. "Look, Grandpa! This is you!" Ryan exclaimed, holding up a miniaturized version of Soldier Boy.

Soldier Boy resisted the urge to roll his eyes, maintaining a strained smile. "Yeah, kid, real impressive."

As Ryan continued his enthusiastic presentation, Soldier Boy couldn't help but wonder how he ended up in this bizarre situation. He mentally lamented his lack of freedom, yearning for the battlefield over this peculiar family bonding.

The dolls, in his eyes, were a mockery of his past and a waste of his grandsons time. If he could speak freely right now, Soldier Boy would tell Ryan that he shouldn't be playing with dolls, action figures or not. How is he supposed to grow up like a man surrounded by these toys?

'This isn't how my grandson should be raised…' Soldier Boy thought as he thought back in his own childhood, which wasn't nearly as happy and pleasant as Ryan's, but at least it made him into the man he is today.

Though after thinking about it, maybe Ryan shouldn't grow up like him. 'I've made a lot of mistakes in my life…' Soldier Boy's thoughts took a conflicted turn. On one hand, he wanted Ryan to be a strong man, like him, but on the other hand, he had a lot of regrets. 'Maybe my way isn't the best option…'

Despite the inner turmoil, he dared not voice his discontent, especially with MJ's watchful gaze lingering in the background. Peter may have left, but even now Soldier Boy refused to make any moves. Something told him that he wouldn't survive if he did.

After all, Peter has already spared him once. Nothing guarantees that he'd be willing to do so a second time.

Soldier Boy pondered whether this was some twisted form of punishment for his past deeds…

"Grandpa, do you want to play with them?" Ryan's innocent question snapped Soldier Boy back to the present, the request hanging in the air like an unspoken challenge.

Suppressing a sigh, Soldier Boy reluctantly joined in the impromptu action figure battle, trying to act the part of the caring grandfather. Little did he know, each move he made sent shivers of amusement through MJ, who observed the entire charade with a concealed smirk.

Becca and Billy, still uneasy about Soldier Boy's presence, observed their playtime with cautious curiosity. She couldn't deny the surreal nature of it all but found a strange reassurance in the fact that Peter had left MJ behind to keep an eye on them.

Soldier Boy, begrudgingly caught up in the world of superheroes and dolls, felt a strange sense of vulnerability. The battlefield might have been his comfort zone, but navigating the intricate threads of familial interaction proved to be a challenge beyond his accustomed skill set.

As the day unfolded, Soldier Boy's interactions with Ryan became a bit less robotic and forced. He even smiled a few times during their interactions, but he would never admit it. Nor would he ever admit to the small piece of his cold icy heart that seemed to warmed up to his Grandsons presence.

As Soldier Boy engaged in the makeshift superhero battle with Ryan, the echo of childlike laughter filled the room. Amidst the joyous chaos, a sudden shift occurred. Ryan's innocent question hung in the air. "Grandpa, do you want to watch a movie together? I have a bunch of them about you!"

As Soldier Boy was about to reluctantly agree, seeing as he really had no choice in the matter, suddenly, the distant hum of approaching car engines caught his attention.

Soldier Boy, trained by years of war, stilled as he heard the synchronized roar of multiple cars rolling down the street. His instincts kicked in, and he subtly glanced out the window to witness a convoy of blacked-out SUVs forming a rigid line outside. The ominous sight triggered a familiar tension in his muscles, a sensation he thought he had left behind on the battlefield.

Intrigued, the other heroes in the house, Black Noir, Maeve, and Starlight, joined him by the window. Together, they observed as men and women in black tactical gear disembarking from the vehicles, creating a perimeter around the house with assault rifles at the ready.

MJ, sensing everything with her spider senses, immediately assumed command. "Billy, take Ryan and Becca in the basement."

"What's happening?!" Becca exclaimed as she rushed over to Ryan's and pulled him away from the windows.

Meanwhile, Billy had already pulled out his pistol as he walked over and peaked out of the window, "Fucking cunts!" He cursed as he caught sight of the small army outside.

MJ, seeing that the normal people in the room were getting worked up, reassured them. "You have nothing to worry about. From what I can tell, it's only normal people. I'd already be portaling you away if I thought that you were in any danger. Just go to the basement and wait for us to deal with them."

"Deal with what?" Ryan asked, standing nervously alongside his mother.

"Nothing." MJ says as she walks over bends doing eye level. "Just remember what Peter taught you and stay calm. We'll handle this, okay?"

"O-Okay…" Ryan nodded his head, still confused by what was happening.

But he didn't get to think for too long before Billy came rushing over and picked him up, slinging him over his shoulder as he pulled Becca behind him. "As you said, we'll just leave this to you guys. Don't mind us…" He said as they disappeared into the basement, locking the door behind them.

"What a p*ssy…" Soldier Boy muttered, expecting a lot more from the man who is supposed to be fathering his grandson.

"Don't judge him too soon." MJ replies, recalling everything that Peter told him about Billy Butcher.

As the tension mounted, the men in black tactical gear outside approached and prepared to knock on the door, unaware of the impending storm about to unleash upon them. When suddenly, the front door exploded off its hinges, propelled by an unseen force, and crashed into the approaching soldiers, sending four of them sprawling to the ground.

Emerging from the newly created entrance, MJ stepped forward, radiating an aura of controlled power. She was followed closely by Black Noir, Soldier Boy, Starlight, and Maeve. The heroes moved with purpose, each possessing their unique set of abilities, ready to face the threat.

The air crackled with energy as the clash began. Gunfire erupted, filling the atmosphere with a constant rhythm of bullets, but the soldiers quickly realized they were outmatched. Soldier Boy moved with the precision of a seasoned warrior, efficiently incapacitating foes with well-timed strikes.

Beside him, Starlight unleashed bursts of blinding light, disorienting the soldiers and leaving them vulnerable. Maeve soared through the air, gracefully dodging bullets while swiftly neutralizing her targets. Black Noir, an enigmatic figure in his dark suit, moved with silent efficiency, leaving nothing but death in his wake.

MJ, however, was the epitome of controlled chaos. She effortlessly weaved through the battlefield, dodging bullets with her enhanced reflexes. Her wrists fired silk strands, ensnaring and immobilizing the armed intruders. The heroes moved in tandem, a seamless dance of power and skill.

Amidst the chaos, Soldier Boy found himself impressed by the coordinated efforts of his newfound allies. 'Not bad…' They seemed to be a lot more trained than his old team, who always slacked off and overly relied on their powers.

The soldiers, now disoriented and overwhelmed, attempted to regroup, but the heroes closed in with relentless determination.

In one of the blacked-out SUVs, a chubby, bearded, middle-aged man sat nervously, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

[Insert picture of Mesmer here]

As a supe with telepathic abilities, Mesmer was brought in by Stan Edgar to ensure the safe return of Ryan, Homelander's son, which was a job that he was starting to regret accepting. After all, Stan never mentioned anything about 5 supes being here.

Mesmer anxiously watched as the men accompanying him were swiftly decimated by the formidable heroes.

Summoning the courage, Mesmer finally stepped out of the car, closing his eyes and concentrating. A wave of stillness spread through the chaotic scene as Mesmer took control of everyone's minds, freezing them in place. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he strained to manipulate the powerful minds of the five present superheroes, facing a resistance he hadn't anticipated.

Just as Mesmer allowed himself a relieved smile, thinking he had accomplished his task, a voice cut through the silence. "Huh, I thought there wasn't any supes with them?"

Whipping his body around, Mesmer saw MJ leaning casually against the car he had just exited. Mesmer's shock intensified when he realized he couldn't sense MJ's mind whatsoever. It was like she wasn't even there.

MJ, unaffected by Mesmer's telepathic prowess, thanks to Peter's training and enchantments, spoke. "Thanks for ending the fight. I was starting to get bored..."Her nonchalant demeanor unnerved Mesmer as he began to back away, panic setting in.

"P-Please don't kill me! I have a daughter… please…" He pleaded with her, but MJ only sighed in annoyance. Swiftly, she webbed up the frozen soldiers and approached the cowering telepath.

"I'll let my husband decide whether you deserve to live or not. He probably knows more about you than I do…" With a swift and well-aimed boot to the face, MJ knocked Mesmer unconscious. "Goodnight."

As Mesmer lay defeated, the heroes, released from the telepathic hold, began to awaken, disoriented and questioning what had just occurred.

"W-What happened…?" They muttered, their minds still hazy.

As the heroes began to regain their composure, MJ gestured to the defeated soldiers. "Quickly clean this up. We're changing locations as soon as Peter gets back," she ordered as she dragged Mesmer unconscious body into the house.

Soldier Boy grunted in annoyance, unhappy at being ordered around. "Who the f*ck died and put her in charge?"

A/N: 1740 words :)




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