
CH 164: "It's a secret..."

<By the way, I don't know if there are seven of them in the Lake Of Life or five, but just roll with it since only Zi Ji is important here>

As the 7 fierce beasts stood guard, ready for action, a jade-green haired beauty, Bi Ji, the 570,000 years old Emerald Swan and the 4th among the Top Ten Fierce Beasts, looked at the handsome, tall, black haired middle-aged man with one strand of gold hair and sharp, deep, golden pupils wearing black robes with golden lines :"Lord beast god... What is this terrifying aura?"

The middle-aged man was Di Tian, the 800,000+ years old <it didn't say how old exactly> Golden Eyed Black Dragon King, ranked as 1st among the Top Ten Fierce Beasts. Di Tian shook his head with a serious face as he looked around :"I don't know... I've never felt this aura... I wonder if master knows anything about it?"

"But master is asleep. We can't wake her up and interrupt her recovery." A gorgeous woman spoke up. She was wearing a purple and black dress, showing off her slender figure with perfect, round breasts and long legs.

Her long purple-black hair hung down loosely behind her back and away from her body even without the wind blowing. Her exquisite face was exceedingly charming with her deep purple eyes. Her lips, on the other hand, were a bright purple. An ink-black scale on her forehead rippled with layers of purple radiance streaming forth to the top of her head.

This beauty was Zi Ji, the 270,000 years old Abyss Demon Dragon ranked 9th among the Top Ten Fierce Beasts. Just as Di Tian was about to answer, a deep, but somehow beautiful female voice was heard :"No need to bother, I'm awake now."

All of the Fierce Beasts present immediately kneeled down while facing the Lake Of Life as they all shouted with respect :"Master!" Before Di Tian raised his head slightly and looked at the beautiful lake :"Master, do you know anything about this aura? I have never felt such a powerful and strong aura in my long life..."

The female's serious voice was heard again :"I do not know either. The only person who I have ever met that had such an aura was that bastard Asura God, but I feel like even he is weaker than the being who is giving out this aura."

The eyes of the Fierce Beasts went wide as Di Tian got even more serious :"Master, are you saying that a god has come down from the God Realm? There is no way that a new god would have an aura that would rival that of a God King's."

There was silence for a moment before the voice answered :"No, the being that this aura belongs to seems to have the strength of a god, but doesn't seem to be a god. The qi that is radiating out of this being is still that of one that hasn't reached godhood yet, it's not Immortal Qi. Also, this being... Actually seems to be a soul beast..."

"What?! Master, you mean that a soul beast has actually managed to become a god?!" An extremely muscular middle aged man of about 2.4 meters tall with tanned skin shouted in disbelief.

He was Xiong Jun, the 460,000 years old Dark Gold Terror Claw Bear ranked 6th among the Top Ten Fierce Beasts who Zi Ji glanced at him with a neutral face :"Master just said that this being doesn't seem to be a god yet."

The agreeing hum of the voice was heard as she explained :"What Zi Ji said is correct. But even though this soul beast isn't a god yet, I feel like it's even stronger than me..."

"Stronger than master..." The eyes of the Fierce Beasts went wide in shock as they whispered to themselves before Di Tian spoke up respectfully :"Master, should we get this soul beast to join us?

If what you're saying is true and he or she is actually stronger than you, we should definitely have him or her by our side so that we can cooperate and take revenge on the gods."

Xiong Jun, also known as Bear Lord, snorted as he rolled his eyes with a cold look :"Why would this soul beast be so quick to join us, you idiot?" Causing Di Tian glared to glare at him :"Because the gods and the humans are the enemies of us soul beasts.

Also, because of the injustice that the gods have inflicted upon us soul beasts of not only making us unable to ascend to godhood, but also for us to go through the risk of dying because of every catastrophe that we have to go through, I'm sure that he or she will join us."

Before the two could argue any more, the cold and serious voice of the woman came :"Enough. This is no time for you two to argue. I agree with Di Tian, we should get this soul beast to join us in our path of revenge against the gods.

However, there is a problem, I can't sense where this soul beast is. I have never felt this aura till now, however, from how strong it is, it should definitely be a soul beast of at least a few hundred thousand years.

Since this is the first time that it has let his aura loose, it should have been living in solitude and didn't want to be bothered. But since it has let out its aura, it is either saying that it will exit its solitude from now on, or it's going through its catastrophe. It probably wasn't able to hide its aura since it needed to give it Its all to survive the catastrophe..."

The Fierce Beasts glanced at each other before Di Tian spoke up again :"Then what should we do, master? Should we just leave it alone, or should one of us go looking for it?"

Zi Ji looked at the Lake Of Life as she spoke with her gorgeous voice :"Master, if you'd like, I would be more than happy to go and look for this existence."

There was a moment of silence again before the voice sighed :"Forget about it for now. That soul beast could be anywhere in the continent, it would be a waste of time to go and look for it without any clues.

If it wants to be found, then it will surely let the world know of its existence. Even if you do find it, there's no guarantee that it will join us. It might even be hostile and consider you an enemy if you bother it.

If there's a chance in the future, then you can go and find it. So forget it for now and continue your training with that little worm. I will be sleeping now. If you sense that aura again and I wasn't woken up, wake me up yourself."

"Yes, master." The Fierce Beasts bowed their heads as this existence known as their master slept again after giving them their instructions and what they should do.


Back with Ali and the gang, everything had gone as expected. Ali was just standing in place with his arms folded in front of his chest with a bored look on his face while the teenagers laid on the ground, groaning in pain. Throughout the fight, Ali had barely moved around, and the poor teenagers could barely move because of the terrifying aura that Ali was letting out.

But even so, they still managed to pull a few tricks before they couldn't hold it anymore under the oppressive aura. Ali didn't have ANY idea on just how powerful he was, so since he didn't want to just suddenly one tap the planet out of existence, he just let them try and hold out in the aura for a while before they couldn't handle it anymore. And after they all fell to the ground, on the verge of passing out, Ali took back his aura and his dragon form's powers so they could rest with peace in heart.

"Jiang Zhu, try and see if you can help them." Erlong spoke with cold sweat on her back as she went to Zhuqing :"Zhuqing, are you alright?" And after checking her condition and seeing that there was nothing physically wrong with her while Jiang Zhu used her soul skills on them, she glared at Ali :"Ali, care to explain what the hell was that?"

Ali chuckled nervously as he looked away while scratching his cheek :"Sorry, but it's a secret. I can't tell you at the moment..." Causing Erlong to explode as she pointed at him while looking like she was gonna bite his head off :"Secret?! You have the balls to keep it a secret after you left Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and the children like this?! Ali, you better come clean before I make you regret it!"

Ali put his hands up in surrender as the nervous smile didn't leave his face :"Sorry, but I'm being serious. It's not that I CAN'T tell you, it's just that I want to keep it a secret for now and surprise you later..."

"Why you... Little bastard!!!" Veins popped on Erlong's face as Ali immediately took a run for it as fast as he could while Erlong chased after him :"Get over here, you goddamn man whore!! I will be sure to teach you a lesson today!!!"


About a month had passed since the last day of the preliminary rounds, and today, they were walking towards the Tian Dou Imperial Household Barracks to partake in the qualifying rounds.

As they reached the location, they saw a small town with walls tens of meters tall guarding it while guards were patrolling in front of the gate, on top of the walls, and some even flying around.

'Have to be honest, this ain't half bad.' Ali thought as he looked around while Ma Hongjun whoaed in awe :"It's indeed the Imperial Hunting Ground. It's so stylish!" As they walked closer and closer, Flender smiled with determination and hope :"Sooner or later, Shrek will also be as stylish as this."

The 16 of them, 4 teachers, Erlong, Flender, Zhao Wuji and Yu Xiaogang, 8 original Shrek students and 4 extra members walked on the bridge leading to the gate with the guards on both sides before one of the guards raised his hand and stopped :"Please show me your card."

Flender nodded as he walked towards him and handed their qualifying certificate to the guard who looked at it before nodding at a fellow guard. Two guards nodded back before walking to the two sides of the gate and signaling at the guards on the walls.

"Welcome." The guard who had stopped them greeted the huge door opener up :"I am Lao Ke Sen, Third Team's captain of the Imperial Knights. Please come with me."

As the teenagers and the teachers followed after the captain while the door closed behind them, he began to explain some things :"Continental Soul Master School Elite Tournament qualifying rounds will be held in the camp.

To protect the soul masters' privacy and safety, ordinary audiences are not allowed to watch the games. Only teams that have joined the preliminary round are allowed to watch the games.

To avoid unwanted troubles, teams entering to qualifying rounds are arranged to rest in different places. This is Shrek school's rest camp. There won't be any opening ceremony tomorrow. Qualifying grounds will start right away. Please rest early."

While the teenagers looked at the camp that they were going to stay in, which was actually pretty good, Flender nodded at the captain :"Thank you, General Luo Ke Sen." <Did he get promoted in just a few minutes?????>

"No problem. I'll leave first." The captain said before he walked away and Ma Hongjun, Oscar and Tai Long ran around like excited children as they checked the camp out.

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