

In the evening, Ember went for a stroll outside the mansion. She did some light exercise. A white car unexpectedly arrived. Ember turned to see who it was. It was Amayah who stepped out of the car, a disgruntled expression on her face. Ember has bad feelings about her sudden arrival at the mansion.

"Amayah, what are you doing here?"

However, Amayah approached Ember without responding to her question, then she slapped Ember's right cheek harder.

"You are a slut!"

Amayah yelled at her, her face filled with anger. She was obviously not in her right mind.

"I despise you!"

She was shocked and rubbed her slapped cheek. She felt pain in her cheek. She felt a little bit dizzy. She also felt some pain in her belly. But she ignored the pain and shouted to Amayah.

"What's wrong with you?"

"It's all because of you. Jayden is uninterested in me. You're the reason! I have never felt this humiliation in my life before. It's all because of you!"

Amayah expresses her rage, and she pushes Ember's shoulder with both of her hands, and Ember backs away a few steps.

Amayah starts to hit Ember on the chest. Ember feels a sharp pain in her chest, and Amayah also pulls her hair and shakes Ember's head. She screamed in pain, but she did not fight because she wanted to protect the child in her belly.

"I really hate you! You should die together with your monster child!"

"Aarrgghh!! Let me go."

After hearing a scream, Kyla came out and was shocked when she saw Amayah hurting Ember. Kyla ran toward them, and she tried to pull Amayah away. She wanted to separate them.

"Release, Ma'am Ember!"

On the other hand, Amayah pushed Kyla until she fell.

"Now it's your turn!"

Amayah yelled and pushed Ember harder until she fell. Ember groaned in pain, touching her belly, and Kyla approached her, worried. Amayah is still unsatisfied and kicks Ember in the back. She wanted to kick Ember's belly, but Kyla grabbed her leg and pushed her. She backed a few steps. Kyla held Ember and asked worriedly, because Ember's face turned pale.

"Are you all right, Ma'am?"

Ember suppressed her pain, gripping Kyla's hand.

"M-My belly hurts a lot..."

"You deserve it! For stealing Jayden from me!"

Amayah burst out laughing, and she felt satisfied seeing Ember in pain.

Jayden had just arrived and witnessed the incident. Amayah doesn't realise Jayden is behind her. Jayden yanked her hair and made her stop laughing because she was shocked.

"How dare you hurt my wife!"

He yelled and pushed Amayah to the ground. Jayden angrily pressed Amayah's head with his right hand against the floor and said, "I'm going to end your life today."

Amayah shivered in fear at Jayden's reaction, his face burning with anger.

"Jayden... Jayden..."

Only when Ember called to him did he come to his senses. Jayden turned to Ember and quickly approached her with a concerned face.

"Ember, are you all right?"

"My belly hurts..."

Ember replied with a painful expression on her face.

Amayah attempted to stand up, but Xander stepped on her head and said, "Do not move!"

Kyla spoke in a trembling voice after she saw Ember start to bleed.

"Ma'am, you're bleeding."

Ember and Jayden were shocked to see blood flowing on the ground. Ember began to cry after she saw the blood.

"J-Jayden, I'm scared. Our child, save our child..."

"Let's go to the hospital. Kyla, contact my parents and inform them of Ember's condition."

Jayden carries Ember hurriedly into the car with a confused and worried expression, and he drives to Patricia's private hospital.

Jayden feels blank; seeing Ember bleeding makes him feel blank. He glanced at Ember beside her, who was starting to feel weak. He held Ember's hand, and his hand started to tremble in fear.

"Ember, hold on. You must be strong. You must stay conscious; it's dangerous if you are unconscious. We are almost there."

Ember can feel Jayden's hand trembling. She knows that she's not alone in her fear right now. I must be strong for my child's sake and for my family's sake. I must fight this pain. I cannot let this pain win over me.

In the mansion, Xander assigns two men to look after Amayah.

"Make sure she doesn't flee. We'll take care of her later."

And then Xander drove to the florist shop to look for Aubrey.

"Hello and welcome to..."

Aubrey was taken aback when she saw Xander. What is he doing here?

"Let's go."

Aubrey was confused. Xander suddenly asked her out.

"Let's go? What do you mean? Where are we going?"

"Hospital. Ember was taken to the hospital."

"Does Ember already want to give birth?"

"Let's talk about it later. Hurry up."

Aubrey rushed to get her handbag, and Xander assisted Aubrey in closing the shop. Then they go to the hospital. Along the way, Xander tells Aubrey everything. Jayden arrives at the hospital. Jayden got out of the car and carried Ember. Patricia was standing outside the hospital's entrance waiting for them, because Camilla had already informed her about Ember's condition.

"Jayden, what happened to Ember? How has this happened?"

"Someone pushed her."

Jayden responded, and he placed Ember on the stretcher bed, and the nurse pushed Ember inside. Jayden stayed next to Ember, holding her hand.

"Jayden, I'm scared..."

"Don't be afraid; you'll be fine, okay?"

Jayden tries to calm Ember down. However, seeing a lot of blood made his entire body tremble. Jayden is extremely worried that Ember is losing a lot of blood.

"Sir, you must wait here. You are not allowed to enter the operating room."

One of the nurses stated, but Jayden feels uneasy leaving Ember. Patricia saw Jayden's reaction and tried to calm him.

"Jayden, you stayed here waiting for your parents. I believe they are on the way to the hospital. I'll go in to see Ember."

"Please... please save her. Don't let anything bad happen to her."

"I'll do my best."

Then Patricia entered the operating room hurriedly. Jayden sits in a chair, worried about Ember and their child's safety.

"Jayden..." Camilla came with Fabian, their faces also showing they were worried. Jayden stood up and hugged Camilla.

"Mom, I'm scared. Ember, she's bleeding... a lot... They will be fine, right?"

"Yes, both of them will be fine."

Camilla tries to calm Jayden, even though she's also not sure. Fabian pats Jayden's shoulder, attempting to calm him down.

"Jayden, how is Ember?" Aubrey asked, and she and Xander had just arrived at the hospital.

"Ember is still in the operating room."

Camilla replied instead of Jayden. Jayden sat in silence because he felt he seemed to have lost his energy. Damian appeared after a few minutes. He also looks worried and confused.

"How is Ember doing? Why is she in the operating room?"

"Uncle Damian, something unexpected happened."

When Aubrey responded, she did not reveal the true reason, because she didn't want Damian to get angry and make things complicated.

Patricia exited the operating room three hours later. They all approached Patricia and Jayden, who was the one who first spoke to her.

"How is Ember?"

"They are safe."

Patricia replied with a smile, and they were all overjoyed when Patricia told them the news. Jayden feels something stuck in his heart is gone and he feels his heart is light. Patricia informed them before she left.

"You can pay Ember a visit later. She will be taken to a private room."

"Thankfully, Ember is safe, and the baby in Ember's belly is also safe."

Aubrey expressed her emotions. Jayden's gloomy expression seemed to lighten up. He looks a bit happy. A female nurse approached them while they were conversing.

"Are you Mrs. Ember's family?"

"Yes we are." Fabian replied to the nurse.

"Let me take you to her room."

They were informed by the nurse and followed the nurse from behind. When the nurse arrived at the door, she said, "This is Mrs. Ember's room."

They went inside to see Ember, and at the time, Ember sat on the bed, leaning back. Jayden quickly approached her. He smiled happily.

"Ember I'm glad you're fine."

But then he stopped and fell silent as he looked at Ember. Camilla asked Jayden as he suddenly fell silent, while she kept walking towards Ember.

"What's the matter with you, Jayden? Why did you suddenly stop? Oh my..."

Camilla was also shocked, "Today I became a grandmother."

Camilla exclaimed, happily. Ember was breastfeeding the baby at the time.

They were all stunned to hear it because it was unexpected news.

"Finally, I became a grandfather. I'm so happy."

Damian expressed his grateful feelings. Aubrey approached Ember and said, "Both of you never checked the child's gender before, right, because you want to make it a surprise. So it's a girl or a boy?"

"It's a girl."

Ember smiles; she still looks weak and a bit pale. Aubrey was happy it was a girl, so she could buy a beautiful princess dress for her.

"I got a niece, oh, her face resembles Jayden's."

"Why are you stuck there, Jayden? You don't want to see your daughter?"

Fabian asked because Jayden was still unmoved. Xander says, as he pats Jayden's shoulder.

"Congratulations, master, for being a fa... ther." Xander was taken aback when he saw Jayden's expression.

"Jayden, you don't want..."

Ember was also surprised when she saw Jayden in tears. Jayden slowly approached Ember. Then he burst into tears as he hugged Ember.

"This isn't like you, Jayden..."

Ember said to him, but she cried as well. Aubrey, Damian, and Camilla all sobbed when they saw them. Fabian struggled to keep his tears from streaming down his cheeks. Xander simply smiled, looked at them, and cast a glance at Aubrey, who was crying. He then lowered his head and looked down. Jayden expressed his feelings while crying.

"I… I was afraid something bad would happen to you and our child. I'm so... so glad you're both safe."

"Thank you for worrying about us. It's fine. You can stop crying now. Look at our daughter. She's so adorable. Her face is similar to yours."

Jayden then cast a slow glance at his daughter. Jayden smiled cheerfully as he looked at his daughter's face and said, "She's so adorable."

"Seeing her reminds me of you when you were a baby. Right Fabian?"

Camilla exclaimed cheerfully, and Fabian agreed with a slight nod. Today really reminded them of when Jayden was born and he was cursed in exchange for his life on the first day he was born.

"Jayden, Would you like to carry her?"

Jayden slowly took his daughter in his arms and carried her. He felt amazing. The feeling of becoming a father made him feel he wanted to protect his daughter with all he had. Damian asked as he remembered what name they would give her.

"What name will you give her?"

"We named her Yaretzi. Means 'you will always be loved'. I wish she was loved by everyone."

Xander thought that name was amazing and said, "Wonderful name."

"Yaretzi? Hmm... a difficult name to remember, but the person will never be forgotten." Camilla expressed her thoughts, and Fabian exclaimed happily.

"Yaretzi, we are happy to have you as a member of our family."

"Welcome to our family." Damian added with a big smile.

Patricia went inside the room and said, "Congratulations on your new family member."

"Thank you very much, Patricia. Oh, I forgot to ask, did Ember give birth vaginally or by cesarean?" Camilla was curious because Ember seemed fine. Ember will remain unconscious if a cesarean section is performed.

"Vaginal delivery. It just so happens that Ember is about to give birth. Her cervix has already dilated. Because of the pressure she faced and because she also fell, which caused her to bleed. But, thankfully, her bleeding stopped quickly. However, she is still being monitored in order to prevent further sudden bleeding."

Patricia explained it to them, but Damian's face filled with curiosity after he heard that Ember was falling.

"Wait! What do you mean, Ember Fall? How can she fall?"

"I'll tell you what happened later, Uncle Damian."

Aubrey still wants to hide the fact. But Damian's expression was glum. Damian's expression is full of curiosity. He thinks they are hiding something from him. Ember noticed his expression.

"Papa, I'm fine. Don't be concerned."

She tried to calm Damian, but Damian sighed with a serious face. Camilla attempts to enliven the situation after it feels tense.

"Today is a good day. Forget about the unpleasant things. We should celebrate Yaretzi's birth."

"I'll accompany Ember here. I'll sleep here tonight."

"I'll prepare your clothes and bring them here." Xander responded to Jayden. After that, they chatted happily, and they forgot about the painful things for a while.

Ember was discharged from the hospital after a few days. Her condition was stable and she was allowed to go home. Camilla and Aubrey were already at the mansion, greeting Ember and Yaretzi.

"Welcome back, Ember. Allow me to carry my granddaughter."

Camilla smiled cheerfully and took Yaretzi from Ember. Aubrey approached Camilla; she also couldn't wait to carry Yaretzi.

Ember remembered Amayah and wanted to know how she was.

"How are things with Amayah, Jayden?"

"Oh, about her; don't worry; she's taken care of."

"What exactly do you mean? Did you harm her?"

"She has to pay for her actions, Ember. Don't worry, she's not going to be killed; we don't kill humans. This is a human world, not a spirit world."

Ember was intrigued after he said something about the killing, and she was also curious.

"D-Do you mean you kill in the spirit world?"

"Yes, if you don't kill your enemy. You will be killed."

Jayden responded with a straight face. Ember remained silent in response to Jayden's answer. She can't imagine if Jayden killed someone. She thinks he'll be a murderer. Xander notices Ember's reaction and he reminds Jayden.

"Master, Ember has just given birth. It's not good for her to hear such a thing."

"Oh, you're right. Ember I apologize if I frightened you. Okay, just forget what I said earlier. You need to rest. Let me bring you to our room."

They walked into their room hand in hand, and their new life as husband and wife with their daughter had only just begun.

PS- Next title: BEGIN

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