
A splatter of blood

There were more armed goons inside the school, and all of them kept them under the careful attention of the barrel of their guns.

Vice strolled through them as if he wasn't even seeing them. Ivo stuck behind him, eyes lowered, all the better to discretely access possible escape routes in case things went south, or they had to go with their plan B.

The school was a ramshackle building, showing its age in the many cracks across the walls and flooring. But it was obvious that care had been put into its construction. It was probably the most solidly built building in Paraisópolis, and Ivo could see the signs of the citizen's upkeep all over the patchwork repairs.

Real effort had been put in making it look lively and clean for the children. The walls were decorated with nature scenes. Peppered in with big colourful creatures long extinct, like butterflies and elephants, all of them cavorting merrily in meadows, savannahs, and jungles.

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