
Your boy has gone missing

Davi expected Ivo to be back in about half an hour after having left.

When that didn't happen he told himself he'd be back in two hours, tops.

Before those were up he'd already been pacing the length of the living room, to Alina's and Thiago's annoyance.

"Will you calm down? He went out, so what? What's the worse that could happen?" Alina returned her attention to the game she'd been playing on the living room workstation, rubbing a kink out of her neck.

The worst that could happen was that Ivo didn't know the first thing about the city's streets. He had good instincts, but no first hand experience. He had never been out on his own, and he hadn't even taken a gun with him.

"This is your fault you know," Davi told the back of Alina's head. "You disappeared for days and he got it into his head that he can do the same thing when he's pissed off."

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