
Leo's Separation

"This is a time for repentance and observation of justice. We are the new nation, Idris, and no lands will separate each other from now on. I no longer allowed the use of Tempus Monedas, and the barriers should be lifted off. No one should be able to indicate greediness, just like how the past dictator has seen." 

People stand by in front of the palace to hear Marian's speech up at the balconies. After a few weeks, the land has recovered, stores opened, and a memorial was held for the mourning of the loss. Half of the protester's population dies. Still, there are those survivors who never gave up. 

Zella stood with the other Cassanos, receiving the medal of valor, and bowing down their heads throughout the ceremony. The sun rose, and a beautiful daylight shone at the people, circulating the hope. After this day, their lives entirely changed. 

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