
Faint Light

"Do you want to talk to Leo? We have a landline there at the living room. You can dial in 4036, and it'll direct you to Leo's home office. He must be waiting for your call," Lavender stated.

They finished hiking at the bottom part of the mountain earlier, where a zoo of wild animals was destined. Lavender took a lot of pictures, and Zella enjoyed the blast. It must be the first time she went to a zoo.

With the memory of their trip together fresh in her mind, Zella still smiled as she walked down the hallways, leaving Lavender with the dishes. The mansion is empty, and so, the two of them stayed in one room.

It gave them creeps when they're on a separate room.

Last night, she woke up at 3 in the morning for no reason. Zella was sure the hairs of her arms stood on one end after roaming her eyes around the room. She couldn't help but to wake Lavender up and sleep beside her.

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