

The moment Flint was out of the hospital, he rested at home.

Took a long long break and when he'd gotten bored beyond his wits with sitting at home doing nothing, he went back to work amid Shonda's protests.

His first destination was the chief's office.

He didn't knock and just went straight in.

"you knew didn't you?" he accused.

"I don't know what you are talking about" replied the chief.

Flint felt like shooting the man in the chest.

"I did warn you didn't I....there are people you can't fight in this thing....you should have taken the money Flint" the chief sneered.

Flint couldn't believe his ears he stormed out of the precinct, banging the chief's office door as he walked out.

He drove straight to the Hart's mansion taking the standard issue vehicle along with him.

He hadn't claimed insurance yet, so no new car for now.

His aim was to visit the crime scene, check if he'd find anything his eyes missed.

The mansion was deserted, there were no traces of cops.

He wondered why.

He gingerly lifted the yellow tape in front of the door entered.

The scene was just as he had met it, but without the bodies.

He walked through the living room slowly, scrutinizing every single thing he walked past.

From the chairs to the table, the walls...he moved to the bedrooms next, the servant quarters....he found nothing.

He went back to the living room and stood for a moment, scratching his head in confusion.

He tried putting himself in the victims position...he couldn't... especially with so little to go on.

He dumped his ass on one of the couches in the parlour and rested his head.

He exhaled a breath and gazed up to the ceiling.

He turned his head to check his wrist watch then he saw it.

A single strand of hair, wedged between the seams of the couch which he sat on.

His heart surged with happiness.

Ha! Mother luck had finally decided to bless his efforts! and pay him back for his misfortunes.

How else could he explain spotting such a minute thing that even the CI and forensic team had missed.

He leaped off the couch and produced a little plastic bag where he deposited the hair strand.

He practically flew down the stairs to his parked vehicle.

He zoomed out of the estate and headed in the direction of the precinct then he suddenly applied his brakes, the tires screeched to a halt.

He changed his direction and headed to the Forensics Lab.

He'd wanted to share his finding with his partner but after these past series of events, he knew better than to trust anyone.

He'd just decided to go Solo.

That guy he'd gotten the first set of reports would be perfect... well if he could convince him to work discreetly that is...the guy looked like someone who talked too much...but hey, beggars couldn't be choosers.. he'd have to take what he got.

He parked in front of the building, not trusting the car parks in buildings any longer...well a person couldn't tell who was lurking around.... monitoring.. it'd be difficult to plant a bomb in public.

He was greeted by Philip's secretary, who shut her mouth the instant she saw him flash his badge.

He went directly to the office and stayed there to wait for him.

Philip was surprised to find Flint sitting in his office, one leg crossed over the other as though he owned the place.

"what a pleasant surprise detective" he said as he shut the door.

"hello yourself" Flint replied and shut his mouth until the man had settled in his seat across his desk.

Flint produced the hair sample from his pocket.

"I need you to run this through the lab...can you keep it under wraps? just me, no one else"

he said, sliding it towards Philip.

Philip eyed the sample.

"why" he asked.

"I can't tell you that... sorry" Flint replied.

"I see" said Philip, before he pocketed the sample.

"it will be ready in 48 hours" Philip added.

Flint gave him a nod in reply and stood up.

He held out his hands for a handshake.

Philip took it.

"thanks...I owe you one" he said.

"I'll put it in the bank" Philip replied.

Flint turned to leave.

He went to his favorite bar and bought himself their best bottle of champagne.

Today, he was practically drowning in happiness...he was no longer leadless and clueless...now he could start from somewhere.

That night, he had the best night rest he'd ever gotten since the entire case began.

Even Shonda could sense the change in his mood.

She was just happy to see him brightened up.

When she'd asked him to stop the case, she thought he would be down cast and bothered if he stopped.

To see him happy was refreshing...if only she knew.


Flint sat in Philip's office waiting for the result only for his secretary to bring it to him.

"where's Philly" he asked the lady.

She looked like one of those bimbo types who wouldn't hesitate to fuck her boss...it made Flint wonder.

Again, it was none of his business, not his place to judge.

"philly?" the girl replied, brows raised.

Flint replied her with a raised brow of his own.

"he's busy today" she replied then returned to her desk.

Flint spared her no glance as he walked out.

He went straight to the precinct and directly to the database room.

He practically sneaked his way in...he wanted to avoid as much unnecessary questions as possible.

He waited a little until he was alone then he ran a match.

The face that filled his screen left his mouth hanging open.

It was that man!

The same one from the chief's office with the briefcase of money.

He read the man's criminal history ... petty crimes, pick pocketing, brief stint for shoplifting, then something else caught his eye.

Ties to the Mafia.

Apparently, he'd been a body guard for a short time with Barth industries, then nothing else.

The info listed no address, no social security, nothing.

Just great. Another dead end.

He printed the info and erased his search history.

He went straight home to bury the info again, along with the CI's report of that night's murder.

He didn't leave the house that day, he just stayed home and cooled his head.

He needed to think.

He couldn't be rash in his decisions.


Bright and early, he was at Barth industries.

He wanted to catch the night guard right when he would be changing shifts.

The man would be tired and anxious to get home, tired people usually made mistakes.

He waited outside his car for the man to walk out, then he parked in front of him.

"Get in" he instructed.

"am I in trouble?" the man asked eyeing him suspiciously.

"not at all bud...I just want a few words"

"about?" the man asked.

"Miguel" Flint said, and the man replied "sorry I dunno the guy"

"are you sure?"

"yes...I dunno em" the man replied.

Flint knew he was lying.

The side to side darting of his eyes, his nervousness, his stance, it was all off but Flint didn't push it.

"alright bud.. no problem" Flint replied and zoomed off.

Over the course of the following week, Flint monitored the man's movement.

His off work time, his lunch break, even when the man took a piss, he was aware.

He found the man's habits and by the end of the week, he knew the man had a mistress he paid some of his monthly salary to, all the while lying through his teeth to his wife about the sum he received.

'Ha! gotcha you sneaky bastard' Flint had exclaimed when he discovered this particular skeleton in the man's closet.

Most men had one of those... skeletons.

A little search did a lot in revealing those skeletons and that was Peter's.

After the stakeout week, Flint paid a visit to Barth industries on foot.

Like the first time, he waited for Peter but this time around, it wasn't when he got off work.

It was lunch break.

Flint waited for the guard close to the elevator and just as Peter was about to go in, he grabbed him by the shoulders.

Peter attempted to struggle at first, then Flint whispered "Eloise sends her regards" Flint got the reaction he'd hoped for...then he continued, flashing his best paparazzi salesman smile....the type he usually switched on in front of cameras "act natural bud.. where's your car were going for a little drive"

With flint's hands on Peter's shoulders, they looked like long time buddies.

Flint even put on a bright smile for good measure as they walked but Peter inwardly was pissing his pants.

He was screwedly caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.

Lucky_sean I see you... thank you for your support...

I've got a little surprise coming for you

Hoxecreators' thoughts
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