
Chapter 10: Story Of A Elf

A young elf was running around in the forest, she was planning on meeting her "friends". She had cabbage and fruit from her mother's tree. Her mother told her never to pick the fruits from the tree but her friends told her the opposite, she didn't want to disappoint them, so she took a few fruits from her mother's tree and went to see them.

She was often a shy and quiet, this was a trait most young kids did not have.

One day while she was eating alone a group of three girls came up to her, they offered to be her friends in exchange of a few tasty fruits from the queen's garden. The girl was overjoyed, people often avoided her and played with other people, some parents told their kids to no to get to close to the little girl, it would only cause their families to spiral into chaos.

The parents would avoid the girl and so would their kids.

So they act that the group of girls displayed filled the heart of the young elf. She did her best so they would never leave her.

She carried their books

"Is that the princess? Why is she behaving like a servant?"

" Are you dumb can't you see the smile on her face, im pretty sure it a new game kids play"

"Maybe you are right"

She allowed them in her room

"You have a great bed do you mind if we sleep on it"

The shy elf shook her head and said

"The bed can only fit three people, someone can't sleep on it"

The "friend" of the laughed

"Its our first time in your room, so naturally you have to treat guests with respect, if you don't mind, can you sleep on the floor? Its just for tonight afterall you sleep on the bed everynight."

The elf hesitated

The two remaining girls used peer preesure

"Aren't we friends ?"

"Yeah, are you going to make your friends sleep on the floor while you get the bed, how selfish"

"Lets go home, she is a boring brat"

The group off three walked toward the door in a slow manner, it seemed like they were waiting on something or rather someone.

"I will sleep on the floor" The little elf said with a blush




They laughed at the elf and began to whisper

"Making a princess sleep on the floor in her own room? How exhilarating" One girl said with a heavy breathing expression

"Ew, you sadistic manner is showing"

"Go shower you smell weird"

They snickered in unision like a pack of hyena's

She offered them fruits and cabbage

The little elf was running towards a place in the forest with the fruit and cabbage she stole. Her girl flowery dress was covered in mud and grass from the amount of times she fell.

She arrived at the place she often gave away her fruits. Her friends were seated far away talking

"How dirty do you think the princess will be once she comes back"

"Pretty dirty, she often looks like she bathes in mud"

The little elf was sad, but she coutined walking. She was used to be insulted by her "friends" afterall it is what friends often do, is what they told her. However she stopped in her tracks when she heard the next sentences

"How long do you think we should coutinue to be her friends? It's honesty started to get boring"

"I agree, is what fun in the start but now it's becoming risky, I think her parents are starting to catch on"

"Don't be a fool, I made her lie to her parents everyday"

" Hey, hey I say we have a party in her room while she sleeps in the mud"

" Hahahaha"



Tears of sadness overflowed from the eyes of the little elf. She knew thst they were making her do bad things but she didn't want to go back to her old self. She told lies to her parents with a fake smile and stole from the people that raised her, and for what? A bunch of people who liked to bully her. She hated herself, she hated what she became, she hated the girls, she hated her attituide, she hated her shy trait. She wished she could change and become someone better

And better is what she became

The little elf no longer cried she laughed as loud as she could

The group of girls turned around with shocked expression at the laughing little elf and said in a irrated way

"Why are you laughing so loud, Alma"

"Why aren't you laughing whore"

The eyes of the girls widened, they looked at the little elf girl who seemed to be different.

"Hahahaha, wolf got your tongue? Speak you sluts!" Alma said with a annoyed expression

Alma learned all the words they called her so many times. She just used the words in her own made up way

"Tch, I bet my mother can make you lot speak and sing like a bird"

Alma turned around and walked into the direction of her home

"Wait, Princess!" One of the girls said while rushing towards Alma. If the queen found out she would be ruined along with her family.

"Princess I wanted to leave but they.."

The girl that came close to Alma was knocked on the ground by a small fist.

It was naturally Alma, why would the princess of the elves being allowed outside without means to defend herself.

The girl was caught off guard and her nose bleed, it was slighty pushed in and repositioned more left than the center off her face.

The Princess, Alma wasn't done. She threw out a kick that was caught by the unguarded face of the shocked girl. The girl was knocked to sleep by the kick, even then Alma didn't stop.

Every drop of sweat, blood, and dirt that she every came in contact with after meeting these girls was embedded into her small fist as anger.

Punch after punch, thud after thud, bruise after bruise she beat the girls face anew, it looked as if she had been reincarnated as a dead and blood pig.

This little tussle was completed with no struggle

However how could this little assault satisfy her time as a servant of a bunch of sadistic elves. She walked towards the elfs who were to scared to fight back

She slapped the back of her hand against the face of one of the elves and stomped on her face when she fell. She grabbed the shirt of the last elf and pulled her closer, she raised her fist and beat her like a mad man. The girl fell asleep more than five times already but Alma had a tight grip on her shirt and would not let her fall.

Anger and pain flooded each punch like a never ending flow of water.

She every one of them until their faces reconstructed, they lost the beauty of a elf, is was replaced by the face of a horrendous looking thing you would find at the bottom if the vast ocean floor.

Hours had passed before she stopped and returned home, she reverted back to her old self and tears invaded her eyes. She told her parents, her parents became livid, they would burn the world for their daughter, even though they no longer were husband and wife they acted together to destroy the lives of the people who did those things to their daughter. Her little sister joined in to but only cheered from the sidelines mainly because her parents did all the work.

Ever since that day, every one who heard the name Elma Luthien knew why you should never get on her bad side, they knew the other her would be waiting to thrash you.

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