
Most Important Task

Leo had finished framing the cookies and was looking very satisfied with it.

He had hanged them on the place where the portraits of all the old emperors were hung, shocking all the men and women in the palace.

They could not help but twitch and gasp whenever they looked at it.

Who hung the food with the great men of the century.

But there was no way that any of them could say so in front of Alex. They could only nod and smile as if they understood his feelings but in reality there was nothing to understand.

He had gone completely senile.

But who would dare to say that to him. He was their boss. The emperor!

After giving one last look to it. He asked for another set of necklace and matching earring that would suit a kid. It was a pink diamond necklace that time with tear drops earring in matching pink shade.

It looked adorable and somehow give charm of youth to it. It would be good for someone like Ren.

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