
Saving a fool

"You sleep too much!" Ren muttered as she looked at her sleeping father. 

The moment he entered the garden he sat under the tree. He always sat and closed his eyes. 

She played with the ball while waiting for him but he did not wake up at all. 

He was sleeping so soundly when he had just slept at night with her. 

"His majesty was awake all night and changed the cloth on your forehead so that you would not get a fever." whispered Penny in a soft voice that Ren sighed.

She let go of the idea to wake her father up. He looked tired anyway.

"What about Aiden and Reynold?" They both have often followed her like mother hen but they did not come to meet her even once.

Even the maids that work in different parts of the palace had visited her and smiled at her as if they were relieved that she was fine.

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