
Do Not Have Any Flaw

"I have some important matters to deal with too. I can not spend more leisure time like you." 

With that he did not give another glance to her while leaving her there on the ground.

She blinded as she stared at the leaving figure of her father. "When did I ask you to do so in the first place? I was only asking you to let go of me all this time."

Though the garden was soft with all the grass, the floor of the gazebo was still hard.

She rubbed her butt with tears in her eyes when Penny took her back in her arms.

"There there! Do you want to eat more fries? I saw that you like them a lot." Renata knew that she was only trying to distract her, but she still nodded.

The more sympathy the merrier for her future.

Now all she needed was to wait and see if Freya was coming to meet her or if she had failed her expectations! 

"Do you like to play more with us?" asked Lucy when she was done eating her fries.

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