
Chapter 293: Another Long Journey


[Innate Five Elements Skill·Experience +1]

Inside the Cave Mansion, Wang Chen, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, opened his eyes.

In his field of vision, a message had just flashed by.

It wasn't easy at all!

Two months earlier, Wang Chen had grasped the entry-level spell of the Innate Five Elements Skill, enabling him to replace his former Five Elements Skill with this Purple Mansion Technique as his main cultivation method.

Only then did he truly qualify as a legitimate Purple Mansion Cultivator.

However, two months had passed, and Wang Chen found the cultivation of the Innate Five Elements Skill fraught with difficulties.

Progress was incredibly slow.

He persisted in his training every day, yet often it would take three to five days just to gain 1 point of experience.

Until now, the accumulated experience points were a mere 12!

Moreover, as he delved deeper into his cultivation, Wang Chen increasingly felt the insufficiency of his own talents.

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