
Chapter 189, Night Celebration 1

Night, the bonfire was lit.

The center of the camp’s playground was filled with a large number of dry firewood. They were stacked together and quickly ignited, forming a large bonfire.

More than fifty people in the camp gathered here to celebrate tonight’s carnival. They had received the news of the evacuation earlier from the management.

A large amount of mutated water deer meat was placed next to the bonfire. It was continuously roasted, and the sizzling sound was heard.

In the past, even Chen Hu’s high-ranking officials were reluctant to eat such a rare meat resource, but now they generously took it out and shared it with all the survivors.

This kind of behavior was not only to celebrate the fact that all the survivors were about to leave the Thunder City, but also to leave a good impression on Chen Hu so that they could make follow-up articles after returning to human society.

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