
Excerpt [Spoiler Warnings]

"Did the Princess of Eversun never learn how to pleasure men?" He purposefully dragged out the last tone, enjoying the prolonged silence that followed from the woman standing before him.

Seemingly carelessly, he tapped his fingers against the redwood coffin, his coarse hands rapping a slow melody that echoed endlessly in the still night. Outside, there were a million festivities as the Northerners celebrated their triumph over the Kingdom of Eversun, but inside the tent, it was deathly still.


Even though there was a wall of bright candles behind the man, all Daphne could see were the monstrous shadows flickering across his face.


A belittling smile tugged at the corner of his cruel lips, a constant reminder that Daphne had lost everything to him. Her kingdom. Her home. Her title.


"Your Highness doesn't expect me to teach her these simple duties now, does she?" His words cut off with a small chuckle, more so of a scoff than a genuine laugh. "I suppose that since it's our wedding night, I could make a small exception and show Your Highness how it's done," he paused, resting his head against the palms of his hands as if deep in thought. "No, I should say that your loving husband can show Your Highness how it's done."

Daphne felt the cold silver dagger press against her arms as she tried to subtly grab its hilt from inside her sleeves. But what's more, the bitter taste of the word husband seemed to linger in the air, stabbing into her heart and mind more so than the physical blade.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

She could no longer tell if the rhythm was from his tapping or her drumming heartbeat.

"Watch and learn, Your Highness." He clapped his hands together, and a row of scantily dressed maids hurried in, each barely clothed by thin ribbons of colorful fabric. Daphne couldn't even begin to fathom where they had been waiting.

Without further words, he settled back into his bed of furs, bringing one leg over the other as he looked on with a coy smile.

A maid beamed brightly before walking up to the Northern Barbarian King, dipping her head as she immediately clung onto his strong arms, purring as if a kitten waiting to be petted. Seeing him not move in response, she pressed her slender figure into him instead, snaking her body as she rocked lightly back and forth.

"Your Majesty," the maid's silky voice was softer than the softest silks and sweeter than the sweetest honey. "Since your bride is unwilling, let your humble servant serve you for tonight."

Another maid soon followed, her slender hands flying across his muscular back in a soothing massage.

Some other maid pressed her face into his laps, her dainty fingers inching ever closer to his crotch.

"Let your humble servant serve you for tonight," another maid murmured, licking her rosy lips in anticipation.

But somehow, even though the Northern Barbarian King looked as relaxed as he could be, there was still a tense air surrounding him.

Daphne looked at the sight unfold before her with utter disdain, wondering whether these Northern barbarians had any sense of morals or decency. For all she cared, all of these maids could sleep with the man before her, and she could care less. All she wanted was the man's life.

A maid reached for the sole piece of near-see through fabric before her chest, and Daphne could barely keep the look of disgust off her face as she instead tried to avoid the scene before her altogether by staring aimlessly at the tent door.


Without notice, the Northern Barbarian King drove his fist into the coffin by his side, the wood splintering on impact. "Let me remind you that your attention should be on me. There are plenty of these coffins, enough for each and every citizen of Eversun." His otherwise amber eyes suddenly turned a bloody shade of scarlet as the candlelight danced in their reflections. "Don't forget what you're here for, Princess. Don't forget that their lives rest in your hands."

With a brisk flick of his wrist, the maids hurried out of the tent, as quickly as they had appeared, if not quicker.

He dropped a splinter of wood into the flames, smiling as the piece became rapidly engulfed. "You will serve me tonight." Pausing, he added, "I've had enough of those common women. It's time that I taste the Princess of Eversun."

He stood up, casually walking over until his shadow loomed above Daphne, utterly engulfing her in darkness as his tall figure blocked out the wall of candlelight.

All Daphne could hear was the drumming of her own heartbeat, the crescendoing rhythm drowning out all of his words. Trying to hide her irregular breathing, she forced a calm expression onto her ashen face as she tightened the grip on her hidden silver dagger.

He inched closer, pressing his head into the nape of her neck.

"Princess, I wonder if you taste as sweet as you smell." As he inhaled and exhaled, his warm breath spilled onto her tender skin.

Daphne tried to keep her hands from shaking, but she could hardly control the tremors.

He buried his face deeper into her neck, his lips barely scraping her skin, leaving tingles running down Daphne's back and her heart racing ever faster. She felt the decorated silver hilt sliding in her increasingly sweaty hands.

"Having you is worth keeping the Kingdom of Eversun half alive—"

With all the force she could muster, Daphne plunged the dagger squarely into the Northern Barbarian King's chest. Seeing the silver sink into the location of his heart, for the first time in seemingly forever, she smiled.

For a few moments, she stood frozen at the spot, waiting for the man, her husband of barely one day, to drop to the floor.

"You're pretty when you smile," his voice was soft, not a single hitch or sign of trying to catch his breath.

Looking up, all she saw were the familiar distant amber eyes, gleaming brighter than ever. Her smile froze on her face as she realized with horror that her husband was not dead.

"If this can make you smile more, you can do this every day if you would like." He cocked his head to one side before casually pulling the blade from his chest. A few drops of crimson fell onto the floor, but he didn't even flinch as the crimson-tainted blade left his body. Pressing the blade back into her small hands, he added with a cruel smile, "For a small price of course. Your body or the Kingdom of Eversun should suffice."

He guided her shaking hand to his chest.

It was cold to the touch.

Only then did Daphne realize that the heart of her husband never beat to begin with. So how could it stop?


Join me in Daphne's story to see what secrets are lurking behind these two kingdoms!

For old readers, I promise I've actually stockpiled a decent amount and hopefully will not be ghosting (assuming there is interest in the story).

For new readers, I hope you'll stay around for the ride!

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