
Room no:86

"I can't believe you two are my roommates!" exclaimed Audrey in excitement, "Eden! Layzen! WOW! How much fun we would have!"

"I hope I won't be troubling you three" replied Eden helplessly while scratching his head under his hat.

"On the contrary…." added Layzen, "it won't be a problem with you but..." all three gazed front in frustration as the wizard completed his friend's words,

"with him…."

"Sam…." sighed all three as that ignorant Elf was pacing along the Butler, admiring himself as the Lord of the group.

"I am the prince of my clan and I love helping people around.

I can't wait to help the students of this school.

Due to my help, they will achieve surprising victories.

I am very much fond of keeping people equal and high.

It's fun you know. You know I know a lot.

I don't think I will be needing any books to read from the library.

I have read a lot of books in my life."

On the other hand, the butler was smiling, just helplessly, nodding by the end of every sentence even though he didn't understand what he meant.

This group was heading toward room number:86. Along with the main Butler three boys were taking the lantern path from the hall toward the grand school.

As they paced on, Sam kept talking, "You know once my clan was attacked?" he sounded horrid.

"mm?" nodded the Butler.

"But, then we fought back and won with my help on the first line." He concluded the entire paragraph without much of an explanation.

"mm…." nodded the main Butler thankfully.

Entering the school door, which marked one thousand and forty-sixth door, where serval other children were available.

The corridors were designed in fantasy-heavy design, fantasy palaces, and grant gates.

Students were following maids and servants into different eras, frocks, and stairs way.

The group to number:86 to their path to the left of the hall where the passage lead to the hall of stairs.

The Butler explained, "These stairs are numerous in our school. Be sure not to be lost. On the other hand, we are now heading toward the boarding school department where you will be sharing one room.

Your room address number will be Eighty-six.

Keep the track of the path towards it.

Beware of the path to it.

About your room, let me explain you in simple terms.

Every requirement will be available in your wardrobes.

Your wardrobe will be labored with your name.

Do not mix up your staff with others or steal them.

For stealing, severe punishment awaits you all.


"YES, SIR" all four replied at once.

"Good." Nodded the Butler as he stood near a stair that was stretching in all directions, flying around the path.

"Look here boys" he showed a crystal available on its end handle, "This crystal if spun carefully displays numbers within it.

These numbers are the counts of the floors which you are planning to take.

No need for rushing just for one path because there is serval other stairs way that can lead to the same floor."

He showed them practically. They were a circle crystal shining at the end.

He rested his palm on it and spanked it to the left carefully.

The number increased by the left spin whereas, it decreased by the right.

As the spin went, the number displayed:

Floor no: 10

Floor no: 30.

Floor no: 50.

Floor no: 80.

Floor no: 12

He kept spinning till it caught floor no: 120 and pressed it in.

The crystal glowed at the same time, the stairs stretched long, glowing each step with yellow light.

The path grew higher and higher till it caught a surface that was as far as the eye could see.

"Let's go" the man called the boy with a smile. Hence, they began to climb up.

They climbed up twenty stairs ten till thirty, up to forth when surprisingly Layzen asked,

"Sir, a question, may I?"

"No problem. Go ahead." replied the Butler without looking back.

"We have above fifty steps to climb to stand o our floor however there is a straight thing happening here."

"You noticed!" smiled the Butler over his shoulder at him when soon the other three boys realized what their friend was aiming at.

They weren't fatigued by the climb!

It felt as easy as morning joggling.


To their reply, the Butler pointed at the edges of glowing stairs.

He explained to them this was an energy glow, realizing the stairs that injected strength within their legs, supporting them to climb up easily.

Anyone climbing just nineteen steps of stairs drowns in exhaustion as though they would die within a second.

Knowing that stairs are our greatest enemies, the designers of the school suggested building unique types of stairs.

It would be a special type, easy to climb, excellent form in structure, avoiding failure, no mental disturb for climbing, erased away irritate and lacking from climbing stairs for all.

No matter whether they are teachers or students.

"Do you get me now?" he asked the Vampire who nodded replying,

"Crystal clear."

"I have another question" interrupted Sam lifting his arm.

"Sure! anything to clarify? I am here to clear all doubts" nodded the Main Butler at him.

"Who marked us inside one room?" was his direct question which shocked the three boys.

"Pardon?" Why do you care to ask about that?" asked the man humbly. However, there was the scent of rage in his voice.

"That's because I don't wish for a member to be in our room. Can't we substitute him with someone else?

I mean with someone strong or a senior who would guide us?"

At this moment, all four understood who he was his real target.

Eden Locker….

This turned the targeted youth mad but, the Butler smiled at the Magus who was at the end of the group.

Upon hearing this, the boy almost slowed his pace in climbing. He left three to four steps from his group, feeling disheartened by it.

Eden realized he was in trouble. If one rejected him now, later the other group would copy the same.

They would start kicking him out of their quarters, rejecting a Magus of Leve: -1 not to mention, calling him a fake bloodline.

Thoughts of these results began to disturb the lad as he clenched his teeth in aggression.

But, taking the light side of this talk, the main Butler analyzed everything. Due to his outstanding services inside this school, he could easily tell what was happening inside a group even though no one dare to speak.

He could scent the fire before the fuel catches it. He replied,

"I truly apologize however, I can't allow that.

Every grade and age student is staying on one particular floor or a room. There are different sections divided for different categories of students.

Children among children.

Youths among Youths.

Seniors among seniors

And more commonly, Girls with girls and boys with boys.

No one is allowed to be divided among each other or mix up in these stages.

That is the rule.

About your words Sam, you are taking the wrong side my boy.

Don't judge the book by its cover.

Do not make your decision by the first look.

This is all I can say. So, do not try to complicate matters.

It will be best for you and your roommates too."

"AH! I am sorry. I didn't mean too to split out wrong words" surprised the Elf increasing his steps faster,

"I guess my lips just slipped away." giggled the boy when the Butler warned him from behind,

"Keep your tongue on hold. Know that Tongues are the most powerful weapons on the surface of the earth."

The Elf turned away his head in embarrassment for not being supported by his request.

Back side, the two spices, the wizard and the Vampire was relieved for the request to be rejected however, for Eden, this didn't seem good.

"This doesn't sound well to me. Perhaps something worse is about to take place.... for me inside this school."

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