
[Marie’s Proposal]

There were tears of joy running down her cheeks.

Charlotte squealed and threw herself at Helix, who accepted her hug at lightning speed.

Marie felt an insane desire to join but held back because she had the letter.

Riley waited patiently with glittering eyes.

She was slowly choking up.

The young woman always felt grateful to share time with the three but never believed Helix would love her enough to marry her.

No matter what he did, it just felt too surreal.

Now she was overflowing with emotion, and tears started rolling down her eyes.

"Come here, dummy!" Charlotte snapped.

Charlotte disappeared with ghostly speed.

"Ooof." Helix laughed breathlessly.

Riley hit him in the chest after Charlotte threw her at him.

It was a charming, albeit aggressive, form of love.

Helix hugged her.

Marie waited patiently with sparkling eyes filled with tears of joy.

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