

"How far… do you think… we'll need to go." Marie asked between deep breaths.

"Let's take a break." Helix chuckled.

"Yes!" Charlotte cried while pumping her arm.

The group had been jogging for the last three hours while holding invisibility wall circles above their heads.

Tinker was wearing a vest with a magic circle on him since he was horizontal, which the team envied.

Of course, jogging was 20 mph for the group.

They sat underneath a tree with large leaves the size of dinner plates.

These leaves were half yellow and half pink, making them look beautiful and delightful.

Riley was having a wonderful time running through the forest during autumn time.

Tinker was having the time of his life.

He got to kill all of the beasts in the area [exclusively].

She had agility stats near Helix, of course.

So while they were strolling, Marie and Charlotte were dying.

Next chapter