
[Alzerian Welcome Party]

"Mira." Helix whispered in disbelief.

"Yes, Master Helix." Mira called out nervously.

She had mid-length, straight brown hair similar to Emelia's.

Mira was slightly shorter than Emelia and had light green eyes that were vibrant in indoor lighting.

Her face was [cute] instead of beautiful.

The word to describe her might be adorable if she wasn't trembling.

"Please rise. I'd like to know your names in a moment." He requested.

Helix sighed internally, watching the guards stand up.

They had straight backs and did not look him in the eyes.

The group was similar to Royal Guards during meets.

Helix was happy that the Kingdom was receptive to his request for protection.

However, it was rhetoric to obtain respect from Salkey.

Now that he was staring at guards, his only thoughts were [what a pain].

"Does Whitney need something?" Helix asked while turning to Mira.

Mira blushed and shook her head.

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