

"Thank you for making history giving Samma Shaw the reception she deserves!"

A three-minute standing ovation met Helix's words in the auction house.

Helix gave everyone a bow and walked off the stage.

"These numbers are a joke." He chuckled in bewilderment.

"I should've done this on Earth."

Helix sold five times as many items to the nobles at the [Alzerian Noble Exclusive Auction] with a full auctioneer staff.

The process was less of an [experience] and more of a professional endeavor without the otakus and weebs.

While the individual price of items lowers when you put more through supply, Helix wanted as many of the products in noble hands as possible.

Ultra-exclusivity stokes the flames of jealousy.

Helix thanked and tipped the auction house employees, who were panicking.

Their 5% commission fees raked them over 20,000 gold coins in two nights.

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