

After five minutes of clapping, Helix raised his hand.

A man had just come onto the stage and whispered into his ear.

Helix nodded and glanced in the direction of the queen's box.

"Proud Alzerians!" Helix called out.

The excited hall became quiet in anticipation.

"I have an important announcement to make tonight." Helix said with a serious tone.

The atmosphere multiplied.

"There is one more thing up for auction this week." He continued.

"Before I tell you what it is, I will tell you a story, and give you some news."

Everyone listened closely and hung on to his every word.

"This message is being broadcast to everyone in the Alzerian capital!" Helix announced.

"Because what I'm about to tell you is important to the hearts of every noble, citizen, and commoner in the Alzeria."

Silence befell the room.

"For those who are now hearing my voice for the first time, let me introduce myself."

Helix paused for everyone to listen.

"My name is Helix Hellsgate Margrave.

Next chapter