
[Auction Preparations]

"I don't understand. Things have gone so well." Riley commented with a frown.

"Yeah, they have. But doesn't this bring feelings of deja vu?" Helix chuckled bitterly.

Marie, Charlotte, and Riley giggled.

However, the giggles were nervous and slightly bitter.

"Hellie has the hook on the swag. He can't help it." Charlotte shrugged.

"It caused a jealousy-fueled frenzy before, and it's doing it again.

However, remember how it brought him our support?"

Marie and Riley nodded in agreement.

The four were chatting in the stadium during a break in training.

All of the otakus and weebs were chatting excitedly about the items they bought last night.

It was an excitement-fueled panic buying Black Friday-grade shopping orgy.

Now everyone was excited to have items they felt attached to.

"That's true. I suppose that jealousy brought us together." Marie commented with a reminiscing smile.

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