
[Primary Leader]

After a couple of minutes of clapping, Helix put up his hand.

"Now listen to War Goddess Marie. She will be your primary leader for… most things.

She's pretty damn amazing at… everything." Helix laughed.

Marie blushed slightly but regained her composure.

"Marie is also much nicer than me, more approachable, and stronger than me.

Become her friend. It's easy. She'll be leading the next steps. Marie, take it away." He continued.

Helix gave her a gentle smile, and she nodded.

"Me again. It feels like I just went to war, battled, and experienced the victory speech." Marie chuckled with a dazzling smile.

The otakus and weebs started cracking up.

"Let's get started with training. The first thing we're going to do is split you into groups of four.

There are 78 of you, so one group will have three members." She explained.

The Knights nodded.

"The teams will be split up with half Thyme, half Alzerian Knights.

Next chapter