
[Keep the Suit!]

Helix shattered the clouded atmosphere with a warm smile.

His partners look at him with interest.

"If it looks that way, it's proof that they love me." Helix reasoned.

"In the last three months we've lost a friend and our beloved teacher."

Atlas' eyes widened alongside Kylon's.

"Those are details you didn't know." Helix chuckled.

Then he hugged Marie closely, wrapped his arm around Charlotte, and motioned Riley into a bear hug.

Their sad faces snuggled close with satisfaction.

"You can still tell they love me. I hope you can see it's mutual." Helix remarked with a warm smile.

"That's how we know that Kiya loves you, too.

Unpassionate relationships don't have the types of stories and interactions you have."

Marie nodded in agreement.

"Besides, when you spoke about Kiya your face didn't turn bitter once." She said with a gentle smile.

"And it was clear you could've kept going if we didn't start encouraging you." Charlotte added with a sassy smile.

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