
[“Training” Session]

"Not bad." Tyrene commented.

"Yeah, but that dagger's not going to do more than piss it off." Helix replied with a bitter expression.

Marie threw a dagger into the Balken Bear's arm as she jumped away.

"The dagger isn't in a joint or a location that hurts to move." He added.

"Yeah. But at least it's something." Tyrene countered.

Helix grit his teeth bitterly.

He moved around the location to get a different vantage point.

His movements implied that he wasn't joining the fight, and Tyrene didn't stop him.

On the contrary, she was watching him with interest.

Charlotte got up and unsheathed her sword.

Marie was on the other side, ready for battle.

"Its attack movements are slow but don't lack range!" Marie called out.

"Charlotte, can you provoke an attack you know you can dodge?"

Charlotte didn't like being asked to decoy, but she understood her skill sets.

She nodded.

"Thank you! Riley, I'll attack from the front.

You need to immobilize the back leg!" Marie yelled.

Next chapter