

"I thought we discussed killing all of the monsters with a sword." Tyrene chastised.

"I did kill the wolves with my sword." Helix responded with a wry smile.

Tyrene flashed him an annoyed expression.

When she saw Helix shiver, she burst into laughter.

"Hah! No. You did the right thing, kid!" She cried.

Helix gave Tyrene an expression that read, [I'm not amused].

"I'm sorry! Haha. Hah. I genuinely thought you believed that killing things with a sword only involved swordplay. Haha!"

Tyrene was wiping light tears from her eyes.

"Knowing how cunning you are, getting to watch you flail around like a dying fish was a treat! Hahahaha!"

Helix's eyes glazed over, giving them a matching appearance of a dead fish.

When he realized Tyrene was expecting him to explain, he sighed.

"At first, I thought you were testing me on my swordplay.

After I was injured, I realized that you tested my ability to fight with a sword.

There's a difference between fighting with form and real combat.

Next chapter