
Chapter 3 - An Offer

Time: The next day

Jason's POV

After Leslie got me the water, she told me what was currently wrong. And boy is it a doozy. Multiple fractures in my ribs, arms, and a hairline fracture in my skull. But wait there's more. Lacerations across my chest and hands. Who knew clawing your way out of a grave could make already bad injuries even worse? The crowbar sure didn't help either.

The worst part of this is how long it will take to heal all of this. Months of being taken care of and being useless. There is nothing more I hate than feeling and being useless. Being useless gets people killed, especially in this hell hole and my previous life's city. The batshit crazy monsters who also run around make things even more dangerous.

'This is the worst'

Yes, it is the worst. But there is nothing else I can do to get better faster other than listening and staying with Leslie. At least the other part of me has gone from volcanic rage to an ice-cold rage after hearing about that joke of a human being still living. We'll get our due eventually. Him and the other freaks that plague this city, my city. I don't have to wear tights to shoot a bullet in their skulls.

I didn't use guns as my days as robin, but my previous life excelled in that area. All it will take is a little practice. But I can't practice due to being stuck in this miserable bed for months. There is also the problem of Bruce or any other person figuring out I'm at this clinic.

I hope that the rain made the dirt soft enough to fill the hole I climbed out of or else all my plans with go down the drain. I'll tell Leslie about it and see if she can check the grave for me. All I have to do is be patient. Something I've mastered in my previous life and a lesson my other part learned from being killed.

I felt my emotions partly flare from that thought before settling back down into a serene calm rage once again. That's good, I need to just build my anger, use it as motivation to become better.

The door clicks open once again with a click and Leslie walks in again. Pulling up a chair beside me.

"How are you doing?" She asks.

'Fucking perfect'

"I'm doing great, feel like I can take on the whole Justice League," I reply sarcastically. My voice feeling better after drinking water the day before and resting over the night.

"Well at least you retained your sense of humor," She remarks drily. Going up to change my IV bag and give me some sweet pain relief. Yet dulling me somewhat of my senses. I should just take the pain, but that is just being stubborn.

Not like I could do anything if someone tried anything on me. The clawing out of the grave and walk through the streets was just sheer will.

'And being a complete badass'

"Yes, I did, it was my most charming feature after all," I say. The criminals at least appreciated my humor along with my knee smashing into their noses.

"Well, I just came in to check and fix your bandages," Leslie tells before getting the work on replacing the dirty and bloodied bandages. I try to help with turning my body as much as I could, which isn't really much. After a good amount of time, she finally finishes as I stay silent throughout.

She turns to leave the room after making sure everything is done.

"I'll come again later, just rest for now. It's all you can really do," Leslie tells.

"Wait before you go, I need you do something for me," I say quickly. She turns back around and looks in expectants, waiting for the request.

"I need you to just check my grave; it would be bad news if someone decided to visit and see something out of place on it," I request in seriousness. I don't know if anybody even visits my grave but have to be careful.

'Alfred probably visits'

Ah yes, Alfred probably would visit. He is one person I do still miss greatly from one part, the other just respects the man. He only ever wished the best and gave me books from the manor library to read. Fed my love of literature.

"I'll go check for you, today is surprisingly free of too many people," She accepts before leaving the room and a click of the door shutting behind her.

I remain silent after and just close my eyes to rest. Nothing else to do. Everything fades as sleep takes over me.

'Wake up'

I open my eyes and feel on edge. Something is wrong, the room is pitch black in darkness. Can't a guy just get a fucking break in this city. Oh wait, never mind this is Gotham. I feel a presence in the room. Years of experience of watching my surroundings for the smallest detail coming into use.

'Might as well call them out'

A thought I agree with it. If they meant to kill me, they would have done it already. Plus, this clinic is a no violence zone. Something people actually respect and follow to receive treatment.

"I know your there, stop being a creep," I call out to the dark. The presence moving slowly until the lights flick on.

"It seems death hasn't dulled your senses," A sickening sweet smooth female voice says, while I adjust to the lights. Sounds familiar to me, definitely someone who knows me. My eyes adjust quick enough to see movement coming closer to me as I finally make out her appearance.

She wore a skintight black suit. Hair straight and dark brown. Her features are sharp almost regal in appearance. Skin a tan color, but spotless without any blemishes. Eyes a green color. Face set into a smiling expression.

'Talia al Ghul'

Just my fucking luck. Bruce's on and off again lover. Hopefully she hasn't told him anything. Actually, she probably hasn't. Or else he would be here already.

"You know watching a teenage boy in his sleep does not send the best message, what would Bruce think of you," I joke at her. She just takes my joking to face value and continues to hold her smile. Just a mask to hide her emotions.

"Tell me Jason, how are you alive?" She asks getting straight to the point. Something I like because I hate people who dance around the bush to find something out.

"How about you tell me, how you found me?" I counter with my own question. Fuck if I know how I'm alive.

"I guess I shall humor you first. I was just strolling through the streets minding my own business, when I see the dead son of my love just walking aimlessly towards Park's Row. I trailed you in your carelessness before you ended up here. Now you tell me how you are here alive," Talia answers before directing the spotlight back onto me.

'My ass she was minding her own business, probably on league business'

Wouldn't be surprising. Bruce was able to uplift them last time out of the city, but I doubt they would stop at just setback like that.

"Well to answer your question, I woke up in a coffin and dug myself out of the grave. That about catches you up to everything," I answer her question. No use lying to her, not like the information I gave her is useful anyway. She knows who I am, she already has the leverage in this situation.

Which infuriates both parts of me. She hums to herself while observing my bandaged body.

"Is there any reason why you're here talking to me. I thought you would take the chance to tell your love about me already to get into his good graces," I speak out straight to the point. What's the point of all this bullshit? She still retains her calm mask while observing me.

"Why haven't you gone back to your father," She queries, ignoring my question. Her eyes showing curiosity.

"Why would I go back? To be Robin again. Yeah no, the mantle is already taken and it's not like I wanted it back anyway. I don't want to be around people who will treat me like some fragile glass. And finally, be around those disappointments who treat themselves with such moral high ground not willing to kill a man who took away their family, their son, and their brother. All for some rule that allows for monsters to repeat the cycle over and over again. So yeah, that's why I wouldn't go back," I respond truthfully in a calm manner. I raged enough yesterday. I'm not wasting anymore emotions on those people.

Talia just takes my words in and takes on a contemplative look on her face. Great, what's she thinking about now.

"I see," Talia finally states. The reaction of the year goes to Talia al Ghul.

"Great now if you can just leave now and not tell Bruce about me. That would be great," I say while closing my eyes to rest again. She got her answers, I can't see what else she could want with me. I hope she won't tell Bruce, but that's just wishful thinking. Better prepare myself to see the Bat.

"What would you say if I can offer you a way to recover quickly," Talia proposes from her still standing position.

"I would say, what's the catch and what do you get out of it," I reply opening my eyes and focusing them back onto her. I'm not dumb enough to immediately accept. She wants something out of me recovering. But it does sound tempting especially with the other choice basically being a sitting duck waiting for Bruce to find out about me.

"At least your smart enough to not accept so quickly. The catch is the solution being the Lazarus pit. And think of this as an investment in you for the future and owing me a big favor. I also won't tell my beloved of your current existence," She elaborates to me.

'Bruce has told me of the Lazarus before'

Yeah, he has and its effect on the person's mind. But honestly, I'm already mentally all over the place with being the combined person containing two thought processes. I'm sure I can control little anger issues from it. Both of our combined wills should be strong enough to resist something so inconsequential as an emotion were already used to always being in before death. There is also the chance it could fix my mentality.

'No more separate thoughts sound pretty nice'

Taking the offer will keep me out of his eyes and give me the chance to recover in a matter of a day compared to waiting out the months. And owing a favor to Talia wouldn't be so bad. I mean there's not much she can have me do that I wouldn't expect to do.

"Alright I'll take your offer. So, when will I be leaving this loveable city called home?" I accept after a moment of thinking it out. The good outweighs the bad.

"I assumed you would be taking my offer and have arranged for you to be transferred tonight. I'll be seeing you later Jason," Talia says before sauntering out of the room. Turning off the lights before shutting the door.

An hour or two later based on my mental counting and the door opens again with Leslie coming in.

"I've just come back from visiting your grave and have to say that it looks the same as before you came back," Leslie tells me. Well, that is one thing I won't have to worry about anymore.

'She visited my grave when I was dead'

"That's good and I have to tell you something. I had a visitor while you were gone, Talia al Ghul," I state right away. Her eyes widen in surprise before going into a cautious state. She goes to lock the door and pull out a gun from the drawer.

"She's already gone, she just came to greet me and offer a deal," I continue hurriedly before she starts to go all mama bear. She listens but doesn't really relax much. I can understand her lack of relaxation since this is the league we're talking about.

"What deal and did you accept it?" Leslie questions with a steely tone. Well, with a response like that she is definitely not going to like the answer. But telling her of this is better than me disappearing in the night. She might go to Bruce if I just magically disappear and once again, I don't want to see him for a while or ever really.

"She offered a method of recovery that will have me fixed up in a small amount of time compared to this and yes I accepted it," I answered curtly. She looks a little mad but accepting of it. Not like she can do much to stop me from making my own decisions.

"Knowing you, I knew you would take a risk if it meant getting back on your feet quickly, but this method is it safe for you? Is it worth taking a deal from Talia al Ghul? I hope you really thought this through," Leslie says with exasperation. No, the method is not safe, but this is the best shot I got.

"Yes, the method is relatively safe, I'll be transferred tonight to one of her bases to receive the treatment. And yes, it is worth it, I can't stay here for months. Bruce will find out eventually if I stay here. I need to get out of Gotham.," I return. I lied some, but it's better for her conscious if she didn't know I would be taking a dip in a pool of green juice capable of making people nuts.

'But maybe she already knows about the Lazarus pit'

She could, but she hasn't called me out on it.

"I should keep you here or tell Bruce, but this is your life, Jason. You're capable of making your own choices and deciding what you want," Leslie responds after a moment. She looks reluctant, but knows I'd rather go with the league than stay here in Gotham.

"Thank you for respecting my choice, and I'll come back one day to Gotham. I'll make sure to visit and bring some souvenirs.," I tell her. She nods in acknowledgment after observing my face and puts a hand on my shoulder before leaving the room and shutting the door. I will come back to Gotham one day, that is a promise. I have a score to settle with certain people here.

After that though, I don't know what else to do with this new chance of life. I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to figure that part out.

Author's note: Had this chapter done yesterday but forgot to publish it. The next chapter should also be coming out later today. Time for some Lazarus fun. Drop a comment on how the chapter was and ways to improve my writing or suggestions on the story. Also, word of advice from me. Don't just leave comments on how bad the story is to you without giving advice on how to improve. That's just wasting your own time. Not that I've seen comments like that yet really, but for the future.

Thank you for reading and see you next chapter.

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