
Nice Work

Damien rubbed his knuckle against his temple.

"Alright. There are three monsters that are huddled up together a few steps in that room. Two of them are next to each other on the ground, while the last one is up on the ceiling."

Zenos raised an eyebrow.

"The ceiling? That will be difficult to kill with a katana. Good thing there weren't any on the ceiling in the previous room."

Damien nodded.

"If nothing else, this trip was beneficial because we found out they can be on ceilings. Without checking the ceiling, it is entirely possible that we kill one in front of us, and the other strikes from above."

Damien looked at Adonis.

"Adonis is the tallest out of us and has decent arm length. He should be able to kill it if he jumps."

Killian's eyelid twitched.

"So... how is that supposed to be silent?"

Damien shrugged his shoulders.

"If Adonis knows how to jump quietly we can do it."

The corner of Adonis' lip twitched.

"I should be able to."

Zenos frowned.

"Why don't we just clear out the rest of the monsters before taking such a huge risk?"

Damien sighed.

"Yes, maybe that would be better. But what if we encounter situations where there are three packed together in every corner? What happens if they are five?"

Zenos frowned.

"We should take into consideration all the factors, if there really are five we can talk about it when it comes to it."

Damien shook his head.

"Yes, that method increases our chances of surviving in the short term, but what about the future? We have to challenge ourselves and improve. Perhaps there is risk, but it will benefit us when we find ourselves in tougher situations. We won't be blindsided if we have already had similar experiences."

Zenos' face twitched.

"Simply because it is your opinion doesn't mean that it is correct."

Damien rolled his eyes.

"We had a discussion and gave our arguments. We used logic to determine what method is correct. My opinion just so happened to be what we thought was correct."

Zenos' frown remained on his face.

"...Fair enough."

He looked towards Killian who was panting.

"Well, he clearly won't be able to do this properly, so the three of us will have to deal with this monster."

Killian shrugged his shoulders and remained silent.

Damien looked to Adonis.

"Try jumping silently."

Adonis bent down on his knees and jumped up.

Immediately afterwards, Killian raised an eyebrow and Zenos nodded.

Adonis was able to jump and land completely silently.

Damien was silent for a moment. He was quite impressed, but tried his best not to show it.

"Alright, now try with your katana as if you were attacking the monster on the ceiling."

Adonis nodded. He pulled out his katana, lightly waved it around, and gave it a quick swing, getting used to the weight. Adonis then looked at the ceiling, jumped, and swung the katana without making a sound.

Damien blinked a few times. He made some plans for Adonis to teach the rest of them later. Damien shook his head.

"Anyways, my plan is to use my hands to countdown. What I will do is slowly countdown from five by shining my flashlight onto my hand."

Damien raised his hand and stuck out his fingers. He began to pull them back.

"Every second I will pull one finger back, once all my fingers are pulled back, you will jump, Adonis."

Damien then turned to Zenos.

"We will wait for one more second and all slash together."

Zenos slowly nodded.


Damien looked towards Adonis.

"Make sure to count in your head as I will turn off the flashlight early."

Adonis furrowed his brows.

"Why do we have to slash after zero?"

Damien covered his mouth with his fist.

"So that it is easier for you to time it better. You will be most comfortable moving on zero and I believe Zenos and will not have a problem moving on awkward timings."

The corner of Adonis' lip twitched, but he did not say anything.

Damien picked up his flashlight and walked over to the gate.

Zenos and Adonis walked up with him.

Damien turned back to look at them.

"We will use our flashlights one at a time to confirm their positions. First Zenos, then me, then Adonis, ok?"

Adonis and Zenos nodded.

Damien dimmed his flashlight and reached out to the keypad.

Adonis' and Zenos' flashlight turned on as the gate slowly lifted.

The three of them carefully made their way forward.

An abrupt spasming occurred in front of them, prompting the three to turn their flashlights off.

Once the spasming calmed, Zenos briefly turned on his flashlight before turning it off again. He then got into position.

Damien did the same, shining it over to the left. Once the spasming calmed, he got behind the creature.

Finally, Adonis did the same, though the hand holding the flashlight was gently trembling. He put away his flashlight and readied his katana.

Damien shined the flashlight on his hand, taking note to avoid shining it on any nearby monsters.

Damien retracted his fingers one by one, until he was only holding up one finger and the flashlight turned off.

Adonis grit his teeth as he counted in his head. Adonis jumped up at the proper time, but panicked while swinging the katana.

He swung too early.

Damien was in the middle of raising his katana when the monster next to him began standing up.

He frowned, but followed his intuition and swung a little higher than he was planning. Zenos was in a similar situation, but handled the situation easily. He swung early once he noticed something was wrong.

The sound of splattering came from the floor.

Adonis was actively trying to control his breathing to remain silent. His heart was beating out of his chest.

Damien patted Adonis' shoulder and calmed him down.

A soft sigh escaped Damien and he turned his flashlight back on.

The beam was aimed forward most of the time, but would occasionally shine on the ceiling. Adonis and Zenos were following behind, also with their flashlights out.

Spasming sounds came from in front of them. The three quickly turned off their flashlights.

Damien had a frown on his face.

He saw four monsters together.

Once the spasms calmed down, Damien shined his flashlight onto his hand, with four fingers up. Damien then pointed towards the creatures that were in front of him.

His hand held up five fingers, he retracted them quickly one by one. Adonis fidgeted, but did not do anything.

Once Damien's fingers all retracted, his hand turned into a palm, making a cutting motion.

Zenos' flashlight turned on, shining on his face. His head was shaking from side to side fervently. He then shined it on his hand and pointed his thumb towards the gate they came from.

Damien shined the light on his own face and shook his head. He then shined it on his stomach and clenched it with his free hand as though he was in pain.

Zenos cringed, but nodded.

Damien pointed toward Adonis and motioned with his palm two chops.

Adonis shined the light on himself and nodded.

The three of them slowly got into position by using the flashlight to confirm the position of the creatures.

To put things simply, there were four monsters. Each of them would only be able to swing at one. Zenos wanted to bring Killian along so that all four of them could swing at one, but Damien denied that as Killian would make too much noise from his injury.

He then told Adonis to take care of two monsters.

And so, Damien did his usual countdown and in sync, all three of them sliced downwards.

The last monster stood up. As it did so Adonis attempted to swing at it, but missed.

The monster roared.

Zenos clicked his tongue and turned the flashlight up all the way.

It was a pale-skin and swung at Adonis. But before it could attack, Damien beheaded the creature with his katana.

In the room, there was only one pale-skin left. It was attached to the ceiling in the corner of the room.

After spasming, it fell from the ceiling and got up to its feet.

Adonis let out a battle cry and charged at the pale-skin. The pale-skin was not afraid either, charging toward Adonis.

Before the pale-skin had a chance to swing at Adonis, a katana whipped towards its neck, beheading it.

Damien scanned the room before letting out a sigh of relief.

"That's all of them."

Killian was on one knee and was holding his shotgun up at the gate.

"Ah, that's good."

Emmett's voice rang out.

"Well done! You have cleared three of the five rooms! Keep going!"

Adonis sheathed his katana and sat down. His arms were still trembling and his lungs methodically took in deep breaths.

Damien sheathed his katana.

"Nice work Adonis."

Killian rolled his eyes.

"What about the rest of us?"

Damien laughed.

"Nice work everyone. We cleared two rooms and hardly used any bullets. If there are no surprises, we should be able to finish this mission easily."

Hehe... no surprises...

Disgracecreators' thoughts
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