
Delilah's Regret! Setting Out of the County!

Delilah was sitting in the carriage with a thoughtful look on her face. 

Roy had grown on her.

She couldn't stop thinking about him.

'Because he had been overpowering and outsmarting every enemy we had met so far, I forgot he is a human just like me and can get hurt, make mistakes, or overlook important facts. I made the mistake of believing he knew everything. I have been a soul herder for years. If I had only stopped to tell him that you must pay a considerable price each time you use your soul herding ability, he wouldn't have ended up in a coma.'

She bit her lips, blaming herself for Roy's mistake, as if she was a silly little girl.

What she didn't know was that she looked extremely enchanting while biting her lips.

Delilah was in the disguise of a man with such unparalleled beauty that any woman would become envious of her.

The female carriage driver peeked at her occasionally, and her heart thumped extraordinarily loudly each time she got a good look at Delilah.

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