

Berry grabbed Sasha by her wrist and took her to number 7 where they found "Christan!" "please take your sit" the obviously overworked Christan instructed Sasha "and you please wait for her in the reception" she said to Berry "sure thing" he replied and left the room.

"give me your hand I need to take your bios, ok?"


"ok now give clear answers to the questions I'm about to ask you"

"got it"


"Sasha Kings, Kings for Kingsley"



"origin state?"


"former state of residence?"




"of course, alright any possession of stran-genes?"

"no, well at least non that I know of"

"home address?"

"Berry's place"

"...you should ask him, you really need to know this things so I'll fill it for you just this once"


"alright, please move to the next room for a picture take"

"next room? I expected a whole lot more questions"

Christian then looked at her with silence and a straight face, feeling uncomfortable her smile dropped "ok" "now off to the next room will ya"

Sasha entered the next room but no one was inside, just a camera and a white screen, she stood in front of the screen and took her picture with a large smile and her eyes shut. After leaving the room she met up with Berry and the reception and they headed home together. As they got home a situation termed as 'the weirdest thing' happened Sasha sat Berry down and said with a clear voice "you don't know this but I've been thinking about what you said earlier and you're right, it's kinda dumb to think that I could oppose the heroes and win the only thing I can do now is try to live a good life and make my dad proud or something" "well I'm really glad you're back to your senses Sasha"

Next chapter