
Awakening and Developments

__________ POV Narration__________

The next thing Enel saw when he opened his eyes was a wooden ceiling, reminding him that he was still alive, somehow.

The next thing he felt was frustration. He always thought that he was at the top of the world when it came to strength.

That he wasn't that far off compared to anyone or anything.

Much like the original Enel, he had fallen into the trap of believing that his Devil Fruit powers granted him a god-like status.

Well, the first encounter with a force that wasn't affected by his devil fruit led to... His current situation.

Looking down, Enel could see that he was missing most of his right arm, above the elbow and near the armpit.

He only had a small stump left of his arm, and one of his earlobes was also a bit shorter now, his earrings and accessories missing.

Only a bit of his staff was left, he could see it at the side of his bed, looking more like a walking stick than a staff...

"I'm afraid I can't do much more than that... I've never seen wounds like that before, there's also nothing to reattach at all..."

Enel's mind finally focused as he heard a few voices around him.

Slowly he became more aware of his surroundings, he was just laying in a bed, and near him were several people, some he recognized, some he didn't.

Enel shook his head painfully as he turned and saw that he wasn't the only one being tended to.

Sengoku was on a bed near him, and his condition was even worse. Enel couldn't help but feel ashamed when he saw him.

'I couldn't even do anything to help him...' He still remembered how his haki and devil fruit had failed him.

Sengoku was the one that did most of the job when trying to stop that expanding red light.

And it was clear that he had paid the price for it. With both of his hands and half of his left leg missing.

The former marine Fleet Admiral was covered in bandages from head to toe, still unconscious.

"Seems one woke up..." The doctor said as he scoffed a bit.

Enel blinked a few times, as he finally looked at the people that had been talking in the room.

He instantly recognized the doctor, a rather stocky and muscular old man, with a bald spot on the top of his head, but with white hair with yellow flower petal-like things at the sides of his head.

He also had a white beard that split into two parts. Besides that, he wore a pink shirt along with blueish-grey shorts with sandals.

Enel realized that the man he was looking at was no one other than Crocus. The man that had served as the doctor for Gol D. Roger's crew.

"The hell...?" Then Enel saw the other person that Crocus had been speaking to. And realized that it was none other than Red Hair Shanks.

It wasn't hard to tell, tall, muscular and tanned. Wearing a white shirt, a pair of baggy pants and a black coat draped over his shoulder.

Missing an arm, while the other rested on the hilt of his blade of choice, 'Gryphon' a relatively long sabre, only one edge of it sharpened and with a green hilt and golden arm guard.

"Sky King Enel! The newest emperor of the seas... I honestly hoped we'd meet under better circumstances..." Shanks scratched the back of his red hair as he spoke.

His hand quickly returned to resting on the hilt of his blade as Enel slowly got up from his bed. The Lighting Emperor ignored the pain that shot up through his body.

'I guess he's still on guard around me. As laid back as he always is, at the very least he's a careful person.'

Enel didn't truly know much about Shanks, as the show hadn't shown much of him either. He knew he always seemed laid back in the short few scenes he was actually in, but that was about it.

"What happened? Where am I, and where are the rest?" Enel asked as he tried to extend his right arm towards what remained of his staff. His stump only moved a bit, and Enel scowled at the pain.

'Shit... It might take a while to get used to this...'

Shanks simply tapped Enel on the shoulder, sighing a bit in understanding after seeing the way he had reached out for his staff.

The Red-Haired Emperor had been left-handed before he lost his entire left arm. He realised that Enel was likely in a similar position.

"We're on this brat's ship, and the others that woke up before you already left. Weren't too keen about it, but that Revolutionary Dragon took them with him." Crocus said as he walked over to Enel and started looking at his body for a bit more.

Enel narrowed his eyes when hearing that the former marine head figures were currently off somewhere with Dragon.

"You're pretty willful... You should be in no state to be moving around right now." Crocus said as he crossed his arms.

"No time for rest, unfortunately..." Enel said as he looked down to see that he was only wearing a pair of ripped baggy pants.

"Well, if you were in a hurry to do something, then you might not like the next piece of news..." Shanks spoke up with a strained smile from behind Enel.

"You've been out for a week already. A lot of shit has happened." Crocus said as he scowled a bit and poked around at Enel's wounds.

Enel instantly turned white when hearing that. He quickly remembered about Sky Island being found during the war, so he immediately started assuming the worst.

"Did... Did any of you hear about some island getting shot out of the sky somewhere in Paradise?" Enel instantly decided to probe them for information.

If something major like that happened, then someone like Shanks would certainly know, especially since he had also been to the sky islands while in Roger's crew.

"Well, no," Shanks said as he rubbed his chin a bit. "You're referring to Skypea, right? I've not heard anything about it falling out of the sky, no."

Enel instantly sighed in relief, before a vein popped up on his forehead, as he realised that they had used 'Protocol Wings' without him there.

'I really wanted to be there for its first run! Well, I hope it worked well for them. I doubt many problems would arise, what with both Garp and Francisco being there.'

"Good. Thanks!" Enel smiled a bit as Crocus slapped his shoulder in annoyance.

"You shouldn't be moving much right now!" The old doctor said with a frustrated tone.

"Don't let my effort go to waste! It's already annoying enough that this red-haired brat came to me with you two..." Crocus started muttering and complaining like some old man as he then went over and looked more at Sengoku.

Enel then realised that Shanks likely called in a favour with his older crewmate to tend to his and Enel's wounds. Crocus wasn't usually travelling with the Red-Haired Emperor after all...

"... How exactly did we end up here though? Both me and Sengoku, I mean." Enel turned his head to look at Shanks, who came around in front of him with a wry smile.

"Well, I had heard about the war taking place. And I didn't really like the way it sounded..." He started explaining without holding anything back.

"You see, since your appearance, the balance of power in this world has become really fickle. Losing the Revolutionaries might've caused more chaos than anything, especially to the territories protected by them." Shanks grabbed a chair and sat on it with his legs crossed.

"So you came because you heard about the war, huh?" Enel rubbed his chin with one of his earlobes, somewhat startling Shanks, who just decided to not question that for now.

"Yes, well, Akainu already let me know that the war was a failure in regards to actually doing any harm to the Revolutionaries...

He was a bit reluctant to speak to me though, burned a bit of the ship before I subdued him..." Shank's smile trembled a bit as Enel nodded in understanding.

"You can do anything in this world. But you'll never actually make that guy like pirates, or even pretend to act friendly with them."

"Well, he seemed quite concerned for you and Sengoku both. He didn't want to leave you guys with me, but he relented when hearing that I was taking you to Crocus... Last I checked you're also a pirate..." Shanks had a cheeky smile as he said his piece, making Enel roll his eyes a bit.

"Well, I knew him well before I started being called a pirate. Regardless, continuing, you came along because you wanted to stop the war, what happened?" Enel quickly dragged the conversation back on track.

"By the time I arrived it was already over I was following the marine ships, but I didn't want to interrupt when seeing that you had the situation handled. Then I saw you and Sengoku rushing towards the island together, for some reason.

I figured it was a bit odd for enemies to do that, so I also rushed towards the island. Got a strange feeling in my gut, then saw that whole, eye thing in the sky."

Enel raised an eyebrow as he realised that he hadn't even felt Shanks throughout that whole confrontation.

'I guess he's also a master of stealth? I was quite concentrated on the battle, so as long as he stood far enough away my radar wouldn't have reached him...'

"Well, you know how things went. I got to intercept that red light, stalling it a bit, and Dragon rushed in from the clouds and pulled you all away from the island.

He had apparently started rushing to the island when he heard about the war and barely got there in time to save you all.

The Admirals were mostly fine, but you were all unconscious when Dragon grabbed you.

We decided to help out the marines as well since you seemed to be working together by the end there..."

"Bah, he's saying that, but he wouldn't have let them die like that. Shank's a kind kid, I tell ya." Crocus said at the side as he waved his hand around.

"Old Sengoku here was in critical condition when Shanks came rushing to me and busted down my door, you were much better by comparison, but this brat still wanted me to take a look at your wounds."

"Well, our onboard doctor is still good, but Sengoku's injuries were a bit much... I'm sure you understand the urgency." Shanks smiled with a guilty look in his eyes as he stared at Crocus.

"Hmph... On a serious note, Sengoku only survived that long because the onboard doctor patched him up. He would've died if you hadn't brought him to me."

Enel looked back and forth between the two of them, before looking at Shanks once more, this time with a questioning gaze.

"That's all well and good... But why exactly did you save me anyway?"


Hope you liked the chapter!

Lots of shit happening, huh ;)

The world shifting is really fun to write about, so expect a lot of that in the future as well.

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