
Fighting a Legend (I)


The power that the bastard sword managed to unleash once its weight was no longer suppressed was beyond shocking. The impact zone became an epicenter of absolute devastation, blasting everything within a several-mile radius into nothingness. Trees were uprooted, boulders shattered into dust, and the earth trembled as a shockwave radiated outward. 

The destruction extended until it consumed an entire mountain, causing it to collapse in on itself with a thunderous roar. The sheer force generated a windstorm that swept across the whole mountain range, creating a howling vortex of debris and chaos.

Cain's eyes widened in surprise, awe, and thrill. He watched in stunned silence as the dust and debris settled, revealing a landscape that the sword's might had utterly transformed. Yet, the next second, a pained expression crossed his face. The backlash from unleashing such tremendous power was immediate and brutal.

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