
Deathbringer (II)

The next second, Angar's eyes lit up as he finally understood how the Collapsing Lightning Emperor and First Collapsing Lightning Pillar were able to improve the flaws in their Paths of Power.

Like all powerhouses, Angar sought ways to become stronger. He had come to believe that only the Astral Sea held the answers, but that was not true, at least not anymore, thanks to the power and secrets of the Scarlet King. The man couldn't contain his thrill as he saw the key to all his goals in that flame.

"Send your Ego Wave into your Gifts to mark them. They are impressive, better than any Natural Inheritance we could find in Aether."

Cain's voice drew Angar's attention back to the ceiling, and without hesitation, he sent his Ego Wave into the glyphs and the armor. Immediately, they devoured the energy of his Ego Wave before flashing into his body.

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