
The death of the Golden Emperor (I)

The Golden Emperor took a deep breath, but he could not hide the sense of impotence and embarrassment on his face. 

"Michael had infiltrated two of The Organization's Dark Kings into the Silver City, the Mirage King and Doppelganger King. Now, only those two were able to hide from my sight, but they were currently guarding my family..."

The Golden Emperor paused at this point, clenching his teeth with despair, impotence, and rage in his eyes clear, revealing just how much that situation had affected him.

"If I had killed myself and triggered the warning signal across the Sectors, Michael promised that he would have made those two kill my entire family before taking over the empire by force. I understand that I was selfish, prioritizing the safety of my blood over that of the rest of the empire, but I could not bear the thought of them all perishing.

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