

"Rage probably didn't know because he walked out. He could not accept that this woman fooled him!" one of Rage's friends said.

What the fuck? Am I all to blame? Rage planned all of this, you people! He only lured me to this situation and is completely aware o what kind of person I am! I wanted to yell them those words, to slap them with the truth that it was Rage who planned to fool them. But I couldn't say a single word. I just stood there still, showing no emotion.

"That woman is heartless, she must have a mission here that is why—"

The next moment, all of the six assassins that are left including Franco, were hit with daggers straight to their necks.

From the shadows where the daggers came from, Rage showed, topless. He then went in front of me as if he is shielding me from the pack of his grandfather.

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